🔵 Chapter 2: Wealth Doesn't Equal Happiness

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Callum's Pov

8 Years Ago

"Stop fucking invading my privacy!!!!" I yelled snatching my phone from my mom's hand.

"Young man you are only 16. You shouldn't need all of this privacy, you accuse your father and me of violating. Your teachers said you have been distracted by your phone in all of your classes. Your grades are slipping" she sighed.

"You guys disappeared from most of my life and the 5 minutes you can spare, you spend nagging me about the results of your shitty parenting. It's a waste of time. All your going to do is fly off to Korea or some other bullshit country and forget about this conversation and me" I scoffed flopping down on the sofa as I proceeded to text my best friend Greg.

"Your father and I love you Callum" my mom argued.

"I never said you didn't. Although your both shit at showing it. I really felt the love when I was shipped off to boarding school" I muttered.

"We thought that you would be better there. You have become a handful. Your father just wanted to keep you on the right path" she breathed.

"He just wanted to protect his image. God forbid the media figures out how fucked up we all are in this house!!" I yelled walking out the room.

I learned very early on that status and how everyone saw us was the most important thing to my parents. It wasn't their only child. I lost count over the years on how many times they chose something else over me. School plays, soccer games and award ceremonies all had the same two empty seats where they should've been.

Perfection. It was the only thing they taught me. We all have to be perfect. The world wasn't allowed to see our flaws and failures. I thought when I came out it would shatter their perfect world. That it would force them to confront reality but, no. They didn't care about my sexuality. It was of no interest to them, just like anything else having to deal with me.

"Where are you going Callum?" my mom asked following after me.

"Out" I groaned grabbing my keys.

"You just got your license. I don't believe you are ready to drive by yourself and it's late. Please just stay home" my mom begged. It was annoying that she thought she could pick and choose the moments she could act like my parent.

"No. How about instead of worrying about me, you call your husband? Check and see if dear ol' dad is spending the night with his secretary or if he'll actually come home" I hummed.

She stared at me in shock but, I just shook my head and left. If she really wanted to be surprised, I could tell her that I knew about her sleeping with our gardener.

I hopped into my brand new car. My parents thought that buying me it for my 16th birthday would make up for all the years of neglect. Starting it, began the drive out of our gated community. My family was wealthy mostly because my mom was old money and my dad an investor in big tech companies.

As I was driving, I turned up my music allowing it to blast through the speakers. Tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, I tried to block out the sound of my phone vibrating until I couldn't anymore.

"What?" I groaned answering.

"Callum what the hell are you doing?" my father spoke his voice dripping with annoyance.

"Nothing" I muttered stopping at a red light.

"Your mother called me. Why must you cause so much drama?" he groaned.

"Dad, why are you calling me? Any other time you can't be bothered to even show the slightest concern. Are you in between mistresses or something?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Don't talk to me like that Callum. I do nothing but, provide for you and your mother. This is the thanks I get?" he scoffed.

"Your right. Consider this a thanks dear father" I hummed hanging up.

I tossed my phone into the passenger seat and continued forward. I was so focused on my parents I didn't see the truck coming but, I sure as hell felt that shit.

The next time I opened my eyes I was in a hospital bed with a cast around my arm. My parents were standing off to the side both of them on the phone as usual.

"I don't care what the fuck you have to do Seth. Shut that story down now!!" my father snapped before hanging up.

"What happened?" I asked my voice scratchy.

"You were being you as usual. You caused an accident and because of that people almost died. All because you wanted to act like a child and throw a tantrum! Your mother and I have been calling to get it shut down before the press gets wind of this. Are you trying to ruin our family?!?" he spat staring down at me.

"Instead of all that why don't you be happy that your only child didn't fucking die" I growled.

"I tell you what, it would be less stress for me and your mother if you did" my father retorted. I could tell he regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth but, it was too late, they were already out.

"Henry!!" my mom gasped in horrible shock.

"Callum I didn't-son you know I didn't me it" he sighed looking remorseful.

"Just leave. Both of you just go. I know there are better places you rather be" I muttered before turning my head away from them. It was silent in the room. The last thing I heard was the sound of my parent's shoes and the door closing.

Laying in that bed I thought about my life. It was supposed to be perfect but, it was anything but that. It was miserable and what made it worse was the anger. The boiling rage I had constantly sitting in my chest. I couldn't understand it but, I knew it was there, always. Just waiting for opportunities to release itself. We may have had money but, I couldn't buy what I needed. Peace of mind.


This was a long chapter, giving you a look into Callum and his history. He is going to be a difficult one. Sorry, this took so long. More updates will be coming soon. What do you hope to see in this story?




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