🔵 Chapter 1 : You And Me For Life

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Baz's POV

12 Years Ago

"Pass the ball!" I yelled trying to block Jamal.

"I'm trying.  Man get off my ass!" Greg groaned trying to get around Quan.

"Nah. I ain't gonna let y'all win" he laughed stealing the ball from Greg and turning around to make a shot. We all watched it go in.

"That's game!" Jamal screamed running over hug Quan.

"Whatever. That wasn't even a fair match and y'all know it. You had Quan and everyone knows that he's a beast when it comes to basketball" I scoffed.

"Please. You're just mad you lost" he laughed.

"Damn right" I muttered.

"Don't worry little bro. Next time it's you and me against these two. We'll drag their asses all up and down this court" Quan hummed.

"Yeah okay," I mumbled smiling at my older brother.

Quan was only a year older than me but, he took the job seriously. We didn't have our father in our life so, he kind of took on the role of the man of the house, even though he was only 13.

"Come on we have to get home before the street lights pop on or else Mom is going to beat us like we stole something," he said picking up our bag. I nodded and said bye to the boys before following him off the court.

"Does mom have to work tonight?" I questioned.

"Yeah but, not til 12. She picked up a late shift. Pull up your shorts" he told me. I did as he said.

"You sound like her" I muttered.

"I don't care. Man, you know how these cops be" he said smacking his lips.

"Yeah. They got Zavion about a week ago. Said he was stealing" I sighed.

"It's fucked up" Quan mumbled. We continued to walk down the street. We were about a block from our house.

"What's up lil homies?" Reggie spoke coming out of nowhere.

"Hey Reg" I hummed watching as he and Quan dapped up.

"Y'all on your way home?" he asked.

"Yep. We just finished a game of ball. Quan won of course" I replied.

Everyone knew Reggie. He was popular around the hood. My mom told us to stay away from him. He sold drugs. He and his crew were always on the corner, day or night. I thought he was cool. Reggie always had money. You never saw him struggling.

"Your brothers going to make it to the big leagues. Everyone already knows it. He gonna get rich and famous. Leave all this behind Ain't that right"  he said putting his arm around my brother.

"We'll see. If I do, I'm taking you and Mom with me" Quan laughed pushing me slightly.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"Of course. You and me for life" he murmured.

"Aight y'all better get home. The street lights finna be on" Reggie sighed.

"Aight catch you later," my brother said.

We continued to walk. We were about five steps away from Reggie when we heard it. The sound of tires swerving across the road. Quan and I turned around and watched the black car coming toward us. The next few minutes seemed to go in slow motion.

The windows came down and three guns came out. Reggie pulled his out his pants and started shooting. The car kept coming and so did the bullets. The gunshots rang throughout the air, clashing with Quan's screams. I felt something pierce my shoulder and my body get tackled to the sidewalk.

I closed my eyes and counted the seconds until the car was gone. When I opened them I saw Quan's back, it was covered in red. I pushed him off so I could see his face.

"Quan get up. Come one" I breathed shaking his shoulder. He was moving slightly but, not enough.

"Reggie!!" I heard a woman yell but, I was too focused on my brother.

"Get up Quan. Mom is going to be so mad at us. We have to go home. Please get up! Please!" I cried laying my head on his chest.

I stayed there until the paramedics showed up and when they tried to separate us, I fought them. My brother needed me. He was always there for me, this time I needed to be there for him.

Arriving at the hospital, they put us in two separate rooms. The nurses said it was so they could fix him. I was shot in the shoulder but, Quan took most of it.

"Mom I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad at us" I whispered.

"I'm not mad Baz. We just need to pray that God saves your brother, okay" she hummed kissing my forehead.

"He saved me" I muttered.

"He did" she breathed wiping her tears.

The doctor came in and I could tell something was wrong. My mother must have noticed too because she started crying more.

"No. No, no, no! Don't you say it! Don't you fucking say it!" she shouted.

"I'm sorry. We did everything we could. He's gone" he told us.

"Not my baby. Oh god, why!! My baby!" my mom screamed falling to the floor. I wanted to get up and hug her but, it was finally starting to set in. Quan was dead. My big brother was dead.


Okay, so this is the first chapter. Toward the end, I started to cry especially since I was listening to the sing up top while writing. Got me all in my feels. What do you guys think? Just a little background on one of the characters. Next, we get into the present. Y'all still interested in this story?




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