🔵 Chapter 12: Forgive But, Never Forget

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Callum's Pov
"So you allowed some strange ass man to take you home while you were drunk?" Anthony asked when I showed up at work.

"Good morning to you as well" I laughed walking into my office with him following me.

"No, not a good morning. You can't keep doing this" he sighed.

"Okay well, where was my so-called best friend at?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"You abandoned me. I spent most of the night looking for you and dodging that bartender. Eventually, I gave up and went home" he explained.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"It's fine. Just let me know your safe. I don't want anything to happen to you" he breathed.

"I'm okay and the guy I went home with wasn't just anybody. His name is Baz and he owns the club" I told him.

"Hmm so you did it?" he questioned sitting down on the edge of my desk.

"Was there any doubt that I could?" I hummed picking up a folder and skimming through the pages.

"A little. He doesn't seem like your type and that time at your birthday party, I got the feeling that you aren't his either" Anthony said shrugging.

"It's not the first time I made someone switch teams. Besides, all of my types were assholes, maybe it's time for a change. I hear it can be good. You should be proud of me for evolving" I muttered smiling.

"You can only change so much. I know you Callum and you get bored easily in relationships. This guy can be just like the others" he stated.

"Hurtful" I scoffed.

"The truth hurts. See you at lunch" he chuckled before getting up and leaving my office.

When he was gone, I sat down and started on my work. Being in the IT department allowed me to keep to myself and away from my father. If it was up to him, I'd be in a boardroom right next to him. I may have agreed to work at his company but, I didn't want his job. He could keep his legacy.

I may not have looked like it but, I loved computers. Sometimes they were easier to deal with than people. It was also a bonus that the IT department was on the bottom floor and my fathers was on the top. Twenty-seven floors separated me from him and his condescending opinions.

I was in the middle of setting up an important file when someone knocked on my door. Calling for them to enter, I continued with my work.

"Callum" my mom whispered walking in.

"Why are you here?" I sighed.

"I wanted to see you. After lunch...I just didn't want to leave things like that" she muttered.

"Well, I have nothing else to say to you" I grumbled.

"Good so, you can listen. Your father and I, we made mistakes. We weren't there like we should have been but, now we're trying. Both of us have worked very hard to make sure you would never want for anything. I understand you're hurt but, I just desire for our family to move past this, please. You are our only child, and we love you" she explained.

"Just leave mom" I groaned.

"Callum-" she began but, I cut her off.

"When I needed you in my life, you weren't there. Both of you were too busy with your affairs to even notice your only child. I gave you plenty of chances over the years and you were never interested. So, I got over it but, that doesn't give you the right to try and force me to accept your presence in my life because it is now convenient for you" I said.

"Please don't be like this. Your our son" she whispered and I could tell she was holding back tears.

"I've never felt like it" I muttered.

"We're sorry" she stated.

"Please, just go. I have work to do" I breathed looking away from her. I wasn't a sociopath who could just ignore the sight of their mother's tears. They bothered me but, I would never allow her to see that.

"Okay, but I'm not giving up on you. I love you Callum" she spoke before walking out.

"Fuck" I hissed agitated.

Picking up my phone I went to Baz contact. I didn't know why I felt the need to call him. All I knew was that I wanted to hear his voice. He was still a stranger but, something about him resembled safe to me.

"Delete my number now" he groaned when he answered.

"Nope" I chuckled.

"Why are you calling me?" he asked.

"I don't know" I hummed.

"I'm in the middle of work" Baz murmured.

"So am I. Can I ask just you something?" I questioned.

"Sure, if it'll end this conversation faster" he grumbled.

"Do you think anyone can be forgiven?" I sighed leaning back in my chair and staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I do. My mom used to tell me that forgiving someone isn't for them but, yourself. It doesn't do you any good to walk around with resentment. Though sometimes to forgive someone it takes time. It's a process" he told me.

"Wow" I whispered amazed.

"What?" I chuckled.

"You sounded like Yoda" I laughed.

"Fuck you. I'm hanging up" he grumbled.

"Wait!" I yelled to stop him.

"What?" he asked annoyed.

"I'll see you tonight," I said smiling. His response was a click letting me know he had hung up. It just made me smile more.


Callum's mom is one persistent woman. She will be making another appearance, and so will Baz's mom. I have a really sad chapter coming up so, get prepared. Anyways, next Callum and Baz get together again and this time it's a little different.


P.S. I'm going to start coming up with a stories for these beautiful men

 I'm going to start coming up with a stories for these beautiful men👇👇👇👇

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So yeah...


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