🔵 Chapter 5: Porcelain Stranger

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Baz's Pov

"Hey, welcome back," Mrs

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"Hey, welcome back," Mrs. Kint said when she saw me walk through the front door and up to the reception desk.

"Good morning. How is she doing?" I asked.

"So far, fine. She only had one episode earlier this morning" she told me.

"Okay, that's good" I murmured scratching my arm.

"You can go ahead and see her. Your mother will be happy you came by today. I think she misses you" she said.

"Yeah, I've been busy with the club opening" I grumbled.

"Congratulations" Mrs.Kint spoke giving me a hug.

We have grown closer over the last year. She was one of the main nurses that helped take care of my mother. After we caught up, I went to the elevator and pressed the number for her floor. I was always hella nervous when I came here. I never knew which version of my mom I would see. Whether it be the sad and depressed one or the one that was good at holding herself together. The strong black woman that took care of my brother and me all by herself.

"Hey ma" I hummed knocking on her door before entering.

"Oh Baz, what are you doing here?" she asked looking up from the book she was reading.

"Oh Baz, what are you doing here?" she asked looking up from the book she was reading

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"I wanted to come and see how you were doing," I said giving her a hug.

"Aww thank you baby" she hummed.

"Your welcome" I breathed sitting down in the chair across from her. My mother was beautiful, even after everything she's been through.

"I had a dream about your brother last night" she whispered.

"Are you okay?" I questioned.

"No, but, I'm trying to be, for you. A parent is supposed to go before there child, not the other way around. It just isn't right. My baby had his whole life in front of him. He was going to be somebody" my mom muttered turning to stare out the window.

"I know" I sighed holding her hand.

She was never the same after losing Quan. It was like a piece of her died off with him. I wasn't really allowed to show my grief because she had been so overcome by hers. With my brother six feet in the ground, it was up to me to become the man of the house. I had to take care of my mother and make my brother proud.

I stayed with my mom for about an hour before, it was time for me to head out. I needed to go to the club and look over everything from last night. The event was poppin and ended up bringing in a lot of business. I was happy to see something I've worked so hard for succeed.

When I pulled up to the club, I noticed a car already parked outside. It looked hella expensive. Not something I was used to seeing on a regular basis, especially where I come from. When I was growing up, the only people that had nice cars was the niggas on the corner every night or the ones driving their grandma's shit. Walking in, I saw everyone cleaning and setting up for tonight. I flagged down Jason who was restocking the alcohol.

"Who's car outside?" I asked.

"Some man from the party last night. I think the party was actually for him. He's waiting in your office" he explained.

"Okay. Get back to work. I expect it to packed up in this bitch tonight" I hummed before heading to the back.

Opening the door to my office, I saw the white guy from the night before. He was standing by the window, looking into what I could only guess was the alley. Ain't nothing interesting was there, just a couple crackheads and some homeless.

"Hey" I spoke causing him to turn and look at me.

"Hi. Sorry to up barge in here. I'm Callum. It was my party last night" he said.

"Yeah. I remember. Did something happen that you wanted to talk about?" I asked walking over to my desk and leaning against it with my arms crossed.

 Did something happen that you wanted to talk about?" I asked walking over to my desk and leaning against it with my arms crossed

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"I wanted to apologize for being rude to you. I was dealing with some family drama at the moment. Though there isn't an excuse" he hummed smiling.

"Nah you cool. I wasn't bothered" I mumbled.

"Well okay," Callum whispered heading for the door.

"Why did you really come here? Do you not own a phone or something? You drove all the way down here for that" I asked, slightly bothered that he wasted my time.

"Well, I just wanted to see you in person," he said smirking which lowkey creepy as fuck.

"Why?" I asked.

"I didn't get a good look at you last night. Now that I have, I like what I see" he hummed while blatantly checking me out. I was ready to kick his ass out of my office.

"Nah, no offense but, you ain't my type" I sighed.

"What type is that?" he questioned.

"People that come from a background similar to mine. By the looks of your ride outside, I can tell you never had to worry about anything. Never had to struggle. So please take you and your white privilege back uptown. I have work to do" I groaned.

This man was wasting my time, which cost money. I had to keep my head on straight and not let anything or anyone keep me from my responsibilities. I learned at a young age that bills didn't pay themselves and people like him didn't understand that.

"You don't know me" Callum scoffed.

"I don't want to either. Now please leave my office" I muttered.

He shot me a glare before walking out. Shaking my head, I went back behind my desk and started on my payroll. That man was dangerous and he basically had a big ass sign around his neck that said so.


So they have met face to face and Baz brushed him off. Too bad Callum won't give in that easy especially, coming from his background. I gave you guys a look into his mother and their relationship. She's obviously very broken and I'll get more into it further down the storyline. Next, Callum and his parents then he makes a second appearance at the club.




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