She wasn't yours to lose

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Warnings: Infidelity... I guess I'm a sucker for illicit affairs...

Yes, I listened to "august" on repeat... and this is the result.

"Meet me behind the mall," the delicate voice on the other end of the line spoke.

Having already cancelled all your plans just in case she'd call, you drove to meet her.

And there she was standing on broken cobblestones, waiting, for you.

Never in your life had you seen a girl that pretty.

Pulling up beside her, you said, "get in the car."

She didn't even hesitate, got into the passenger seat, leaned over, and pecked your lips. Then you drove off, the mall disappearing in your rearview mirror.

"Oh shit, take a right..." she said, slightly panicking.

"What... why?" you asked confused.

"That's Inez... just... don't let her see us," she answered, trying to cover her face.

So, you listened, and took the turn, making the detour, taking the long way home. You were living for the hope of it all. The hope of her.

To be lucky enough to have her, and now you kind of did.

She was right there, smiling as you unlocked the front door of your house.

Putting your index finger on your lips, signalizing for her to be quiet, you slowly opened the door. Taking ahold of her soft hand, you dragged her up the stairs, walking as quietly as possible so your footsteps couldn't be heard.

A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you closed your bedroom door behind you. She sat down on your bed, smiling.

"Come here..." she said, voice barely above a whisper, holding her hand out for you to take. She was so tempting, a smirk tugging at her lips, making her even more alluring as she waited for you to join her.

Truth be told, you knew it was wrong. She wasn't yours. But right now, it felt like it, and that was enough for you. Wanting was enough.

Placing your hand in hers, she pulled you towards her, making you fall on top of her, pushing her down on your bed as you fell into each other.

She laughed, eyes slightly disappearing as she smiled.

Carefully you got off her and laid down beside her, and simply adored the beauty that you never got to call your own.

"You're staring..." she murmured, her hand touching your face, caressing your cheek.

"No, I'm not," you smiled, leaning into her touch.

She only beamed at you with delight.

You never needed anything more, in this moment, she was everything.

Slowly you leaned closer, gently pressing your lips against hers.

She tasted sweet, like juicy strawberries in the summer.

In some way, she was just like a fruit, a forbidden one at that.

She always was the one you wanted. The one you'd sneak glances at in the classroom, in the hallway, and from the far side of the gym.

You wanted to have her; it wasn't just a summer thing.

When you're young, people assume you know nothing, but you knew everything. You were in love, and she would have been the one, if just one thing had been different.

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