Natasha Romanoff teasing you

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You were slammed into the wall almost immediately, by Natasha. It all happened too fast for you to react. "I told you to stop, didn't I?" she asked rhetorically. You gulped at the sight of her being pissed off, and quickly looked down at the floor.

You had teased her all day about her peanut butter sandwiches. The teasing was innocent, just like you. Since you now were pressed up against the wall you understood that you had officially crossed over the line when you hadn't listened to her when she told you to stop.

"You liked making me mad, didn't you?" she asked as she grabbed your chin and forced you to look at her. She searched your face for an answer, and you could see the anger boiling in her as you glanced into her mesmerizing emerald eyes.

"Answer me," she said as her thumb stroked over your bottom lip, signalizing you to speak. "I... I uhm- thought you liked it..." you answered honestly as you tried to get out of her grip.

You stopped rather quickly when you felt her knee press up between your thighs.

"You thought I liked it?" she asked as her hand were brought lower, down to your throat. "Just like how you enjoy this?" she followed up and wrapped her hand around your throat and squeezing lightly at the sides, slightly choking you.

The anger that she had just shown disappeared when you gasped for air as she squeezed harder and harder. You both enjoyed it, but you didn't dare to admit how much you liked being absolutely powerless.

As she took her hand away you frowned. Natasha then proceeded to lean closer to you, her mouth so close to your ear that you could feel her breath on your skin.

"Didn't think I would notice, did you kitten?" she asked as she moved her knee, which made you gasp at the sudden contact that once again took you by surprise.

You were spun around, and she pressed the side of your head against the wall. Her hands rather quickly roamed your body until she slipped one of her hands under your sweatpants.

You were already wet, and excited for what was going to happen next. Her hand slowly rubbed your panties and you couldn't help it but let out a soft and quiet moan. "So wet... you little slut," she said as she pulled your hair with her other hand, forcing you to look up at her grinning face.

"P-please..." you cried out. "What was that? Please what?" she mocked you as she released her grip on your hair. "Please... touch me," you begged her.

"I already am, princess," she answered you as her hand smacked your ass, making you yelp out in pain which turned into pleasure as her hand slipped under your panties.

She kept rubbing your clit as you let out small moans. "Natasha..." you said a little too loud making your cheeks as red as her hair. Her free hand slid up to your breasts, and it didn't take long before she had harshly grabbed onto one of them, as one of your own hands gripped onto her arm for stability.

"I- I'm gonna... cum," you said in between heavy breaths. That's when the lack of contact hit you. Her hands left your body, and she was not pressed up against you from behind anymore and resting her head on your shoulder.

As you found your balance again you slowly turned around to see her walking to your bed. You couldn't process what happened. She sat down and opened a book and started to read, leaving you there, standing all alone, and wanting more.

She didn't even need to look up to know what you were doing; she could feel you staring at her. "What?" she asked like what just had happened never actually did happen.

Even though you were the one that had teased her first, you didn't accept the fact that she wouldn't finish you off. You had to take matters into your own hands.

You ignored her question and stripped down. The sweatpants you quickly dragged down and stepped out of. Walking slowly towards her you stopped just beside the bed and threw your soaked panties on the page she was currently reading.

Natasha didn't look up, so you slowly started to stroke her thigh. Never in your life had you been more thankful for her wearing the shortest pair of shorts you had ever seen.

Without thinking you slumped down onto her thigh and started grinding on her to get the friction you were longing for. It wasn't until you were letting out moans again that she put the book on the nightstand again.

She sat up and in an instant one of her hands groped your ass, and the other one found the small of your back to keep you balanced. Your own hands went around her neck, playing with her hair as your breaths again began to get uneven.

Natasha quickly changed the scene once again. Instead of being on top you were now laying under her watching her lips turn into a smirk. She leaned down, her mouth yet again close to your ear. "Beg, kitten." She ordered and started to nibble on your earlobe.

"Natasha... I-... please," you begged as her head went down to your neck, she placed soft kisses and asked, "Please what?" you knew she enjoyed teasing you to get back at you even more, but at this point you didn't care.

"Fuck me. I need you to fuck me... please," you cried out as she was sucking on your neck, making sure to leave a bruise, marking you as hers. Not even a second later you felt two of her fingers plunge into you, which resulted in you letting out unheavenly noises.

You couldn't keep it in, you had waited for this since she first denied your orgasm. "Natasha... don't... don't stop!" you screamed out as your nails dug into her back.

She now started to stimulate your clit with her thumb as she kept on penetrating you with the two other fingers. "Tasha!" you moaned out as your walls were about to clench around her fingers.

Your moaning was muffled as her lips met yours in a passionate kiss, that you didn't know you had needed. Soon enough you were all over her fingers as she pulled them out of you.

She looked at you with a smug expression. Her hand went up to your mouth and brushed your lips and before you could react, she had stuffed her fingers into your mouth.

"Clean my fingers, you little slut," you sucked and licked her fingers, tasting yourself, just as she had ordered.

"Will you behave and be my good girl from now on?" Natasha asked as she took her fingers out of your mouth, letting you swallow your own juices. "Yes..." you said quietly, like you suddenly had become shy.

"I love you," Natasha said as she pulled you closer to her. You pecked her lips, and then looked at her with doe eyes. "I love you too, Tasha," you said as you tilted your head slightly.

"Yes, alright, okay!" Natasha exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around you and positioned herself behind you. "Goodnight!" you said happily as you intertwined your hand with hers making sure she'll hold around you throughout the whole night.

"Sweet dreams," Natasha said softly and pressed a kiss to your cheek and afterwards rested her head on your shoulder.

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