A fight turns into something more

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Listening to Lizzie's whining and complaining started to get on your nerves. She had been on about the same shit for hours, not letting the fight you had in the morning go. You wanted to take a risk, in hope of reaching out to your fans, but she thought you were irresponsible and not thinking clearly.

"Why do you never listen to me?!" she asked as she stood pissed off in the doorway. "I do listen to you, it's all I do!" you answered her as you kept your eyes off her not wanting to say something you'd regret.

"No, you don't, then you'd know I don't want you to do this!" she said as she put her head in her hands, both disappointed and angry.

"Why don't you want me to do this? Is it because you want to be out of the spotlight?" you asked upset, tired of her not wanting to comment on issues in the world since she thinks its unhealthy that your brain makes you feel like you must post about everything that is happening in the world.

"It's not my responsibility to do that, I just feel pressured to do it since I'm a famous person, it's a narcissistic viewpoint to have when you feel like the world need to know your opinion! Every other celebrity does that it, and I feel like it messes me up, and to be honest, I like my privacy, don't you?!" she asked back raising her voice as she stepped forwards.

"Just because I want to have a social media account to reach out to my fans doesn't mean you have to be a part of it! It'll be my account, not yours Lizzie," you answered then turned your head to glare at her.

"Don't give me that look, I'm just telling you what I think," she said as she stopped in her tracks.

"I know what you fucking think, and I sure as hell don't give a damn if you think I'm not doing what's right, it feels right to me! I'm an adult, you don't have to take responsibility for anything I do, so stop acting like it," you said as you stood up from the couch walking towards her.

"I just don't want you to make a mistake and end up paying for it!" she yelled at you as she kept her ground.

"I'm not going to make a mistake, and if I do, then I'll fix it, not just disappear from the world and hide like you did!" you yelled back at her, noticing how she went from mad to furious.

"I'm not the one risking my career just to reply to some stupid comments about how beautiful you look or see all the questions of work-related things that you can't even reply to because of spoilers. You can just promote your movies; do you think that is fun? To be used for money like that, just a pretty face for a magazine cover for people to buy so someone else profits because of it! Do you really want that, huh?" she asked you, waiting for you to say something hurtful back.

"Shut up," you said as you blankly stared at her.

"Or what?" she asked back, taking a step towards you, getting up in your face.

"Shut your mouth, Lizzie," you said trying to calm your nerves.

"I thought you liked it wide open," she practically yelled in your face.

Not thinking twice, you slammed her into the wall behind her and clashed your lips onto hers, ultimately shutting her up. Then started undressing her as your lips hungrily found her neck.

"This doesn't solve our disagreement," she stated as you sucked on her sweet spot.

"I know, but at least we don't fight," you said as you pulled back only to take off your own clothes, leaving them scattered on the floor.

You fell to your knees and dragged her pants and underwear down to her ankles. Before Lizzie could react, you had started to eat her out, taking her by surprise. She moaned in pleasure but quickly shut up when she remembered she was supposed to be angry.

She grabbed your hair, trying to be rough, but failing miserably, making you chuckle, sending vibrations to her core. You then swirled your tongue around her clit, hitting every nerve, making her shudder over you.

You repeated this process, until she was soaking wet and trembling. You then stopped, pulled away and looked at her until she opened her eyes.

"Are you really not going to let me finish?" she whined, and now it was her turn to glare at you.

"Are you really not going to accept it if I make an Instagram account?" you asked her back, with a smirk.

"I'll accept it if you don't ruin my orgasm again. Oh, and you're the one that washes the dishes this whole month, then I'll give you a chance with the whole social media thing," she bargained, trying to make the best out of this trade.

You only nodded and went back to pleasuring her. It didn't take long for her to become a moaning mess, she nearly lost her footing, even on solid ground. When she started to tremble, nearing her orgasm, you held tightly around her.

Coming undone over you, nearly falling to the floor, Lizzie practically screamed.

"I've got you," you told her as you let her ride out her orgasm.

When she had caught her breath, she walked away and said, "What are you waiting for? Go do the dishes. Because I won't do you."

She was bratty, but she had found a way to avoid punishment, you put your clothes back on, and started washing the dishes, she had played you and there was nothing to do with it at the moment, you let her have this win, but being an underdog was what you did best.

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