The voice of an angel

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The day couldn't have ended any sooner. You pushed the doors of your favourite bar open and walked straight to your regular spot. From the black leather sofa that you sat in you could see the bartender handing out drinks to the other regular customers you usually would observe.

You'd see how some people would leave with a stranger, or how the unlucky ones would walk out nearly tripping on solid ground, because of the alcohol flowing in their veins.

It didn't take long before one of the waitresses walked up to your table to ask you what you were ordering, and you picked the usual, a Manhattan.

The little corner you sat in was quite cosy, the interior was warm and welcoming. The floor and walls both made from walnut wood, and two bookshelves as partition walls between the other two tables beside yours, giving you some privacy.

From where you sat you could also see the little stage. It wasn't much, just a barstool and a mic stand, some amplifiers and of course the microphone. Normally it would be left alone since no one here could sing well or play an instrument for that matter. 

There had been nights where the overly drunk people had sung karaoke, and then proceeded to fall off the stage making everyone else laugh, and the occasional amateur stand up wannabes, but it hadn't been concerts, or just someone pulling out their guitar to play a song for the small audience. So, you could say the microphone used to be alone.

To your surprise, the microphone wasn't going to be lonely tonight, with a sad light shining down on it, like a reminder of how it was mostly just used as decoration. The waitress came back to you balancing a tray with ease, balancing both the drink and a lighter on it. She put the tray down, moved the drink to the table, and lit the candle. she disappeared like she always would after flashing you a smile.

After a few sips, the bell rung when the door opened. That was something you enjoyed, watching the people that would come and go throughout the evening. You got to see people relax after a long day, or a long week, or even a hard month or year. It gives peace to see others that also try to find comfort in a cold beer and good conversations with strangers. One evening might be meaningless to you, but it could be everything for the other person.

Or you could meet someone that you would never see again after that one encounter, or you could meet someone that would stick by your side until the very end. You never know which one you'd end up with until the night is over, and that's the beauty of it.

The woman that walked in was tall, had blond hair that reached down to her chest.

She talked to the bar owner for a few seconds then she walked out, leaving you with a feeling of disappointment. It didn't take long before she walked in again, this time with a guitar case, with a guitar in it obviously, and a black purse. You put two and two together and you understood she had asked for permission to perform on the little lonely stage, and of course the bar owner said yes. She would either be good, or she'd suck, and everyone would get to laugh about it afterwards, either way it was free entertainment, so it would be straight up stupid to say no to her.

As she made her way to the stage you couldn't help but notice the way her hips would sway with each step she took. Her outfit displaying her beautiful legs that she wasn't afraid to show off. She grabbed the microphone confidently and pulled it higher and shook her head to get her hair out of her face, revealing her gorgeous ocean eyes that looked out at the audience.

She wasn't nervous, or afraid, she was bold. That woman knew how to pull an audience in without even opening her mouth. Everyone's conversations turned into silence, and everyone focused on the woman that took the stage. 

Then finally she let go of the microphone, sat down on the stool, and took one final look at all the people that were waiting in anticipation before she then started playing a tune on her guitar. Her fingers ran over the strings like clockwork as she smiled with the spotlight shining on her face like starlight. Then she finally opened her mouth.

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