Telling pretty lies

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Warnings: Infidelity... and it's even sadder than my last few one-shots.

I can't help it... I'm in my sad girl era, Lana keeps singing in my ear, "the other woman."

It was getting late, and you had already made dinner, and set the table. Some part of you knew why your wife was late. She had a habit of coming home late these last few months.

Every time she came home to greet you, place a kiss on your cheek or a peck on your lips, you could feel the scent of someone else's cologne creeping up your nose.

Scarlett was acting different, and it smelled like infidelity.

Some other part of you brushed the thought away as you told yourself that it was fine. No matter who she was seeing, you were the one she ultimately came home to.

Knowing that she probably wouldn't come home yet, you started eating.

It was hard to look over at her empty plate. It reminded you of how you used to make dinner together. She used to rest her head on your shoulder and hold around you while she watched as you stirred whatever you two were making.

Finished eating in silence, you put the two plates and the cutlery in the dishwasher and poured yourself a glass of wine.

She entered the house in a hurry.

"Hey babe, sorry I'm late... I had to shoot some more scenes; it took longer than I had excepted."

"Oh... that's okay..." you mumbled, noticing how she refused to look you in the eyes.

"I put the leftovers in the fridge... I can warm it up, if you want to..." you asked, even though you were sure she had already eaten dinner with the person she was seeing behind your back.

"I'm good... but thank you for asking..." she said, flashing you a smile.

Your heart sank, knowing you once again was right.

It was great to be right about things, but this one time, you wished you were wrong.

"Is that wine?" she asked, with a smirk.

"Yes... you want some?" you asked, holding the glass out for her to take.

"I just want a little taste..." she said while slowly moving your hand away, clashing her lips onto yours.

The taste of wine quickly disappeared. Jealousy and bitterness were boiling up inside you as her tongue slipped inside your mouth.

The anger you felt ignited something in you, making you kiss her back harder. She carefully took the glass out of your hand and placed it on the counter.

Her hands roamed your body, feeling you up as she undressed you.

She softly pushed you down on the table and stroked your thighs.

"I've waited for this, all day," she stated, but you knew she hadn't.

This was her trying to reassure you that she only had eyes for you. Still, you knew it was a lie. She was trying to reassure herself.

If she could believe she still was in love, then you might believe in it too.

It didn't matter who she was in love with, she was intoxicating to you. Something about her pulled you in, like you craved her.

She slowly pulled down your underwear and threw it away behind her.

Her slender fingers started circling your clit and you bit your lip, trying to focus on her, nothing else. Just how she felt, even though she most probably had just touched someone else in this intimate way.

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