Kate Bishop friends since High School

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This text was requested by Fukmycheesestickz, I hope you like it! It might be a bit long, but I got carried away, sorry not sorry hehe!

You were currently on the phone with your boyfriend and your eyes were brimming with tears that you desperately tried to hold in.

The car ride to your best friend Kate's apartment was silent if it wasn't for the angry voice that was screaming at you from the other end, hateful words laced with spite, spilling like red wine out of his mouth.

Every word he said left a stain on your heart that only seemed to get weaker and weaker with time, and after you apologized for something that he was to blame for, he proceeded to act so divine.

Refusing to look over at Kate who was driving the car, you sat frozen in the passenger seat trying to block all your thoughts out, wishing you could escape your own mind for just a second or two.

It felt like you were walking on eggshells every time your boyfriend was around, never knowing which version of him you'd get when he got home from work, or if he would be in a good mood when driving the both of you home from a family dinner.

Sometimes he was the sweetest guy you had ever met, since he was the only man that you had ever fallen for, and he'd tell you he would never leave your side.

But the next day he could end up throwing a vase at you, and if you were unlucky and it hit you, he would never say that he was sorry or that he wasn't thinking clearly, he would tell you it was what you deserved for not being grateful that he had stayed with you and kept up with all your bullshit for so long.

You had first met in High School, the same place where you had met Kate actually. Everyone had wanted to be you, and tried to steal him from you, and in this moment, you wished that they did, but at the same time you'd never wish that even your nemesis was to be stuck in a relationship like this.

A relationship where you were thought of as worthless, but then his princess, and most of the time the ugly and ungrateful bitch who ruined his life. High School sweethearts was what this so-called love was seen as, but in all reality this life you were living could not be a love story with a happy ending that never seemed to really end, it was a horror movie at best where you'd end up brutally murdered by the hands that was supposed to hold tight around you and keep you warm during the coldest winter nights.

Before you could really process what had happened, Kate took the phone out of your hands and said, "you know what Matthew, you're a total dick, hope you choke in your sleep."

Then she hung up and threw the phone into the backseat, out of your reach. "What was that for?" you yelled at her with your breaking voice, ultimately making you shut up, feeling stupid and ashamed for asking when you already knew the answer.

You were well aware that the love you shared was a messy and ugly kind of love, that never truly felt safe in any way, a relationship you had thought of leaving for a while now but never had the guts to actually do since you were scared to death of the consequences.

"Well, I'm not letting you stay with him tonight," Kate spoke out, in a soft voice.

"Please Kate, he'll be even more pissed if I don't show up until tomorrow," you pleaded, even though you knew he wouldn't just be pissed, he'd be furious, and if you said one wrong word, he would most probably threaten to hurt you if you ever pulled a stunt like this again.

"No chance in hell. He's beyond pissed because you and I had a girls' night out. He does not own you; you are not his property!" she said while glancing over at you, trying to catch a glimpse of your face as you looked out the window, at the midnight sea.

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