On a press tour

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The cab ride had taken ages, but you had finally arrived outside the hotel. Rain had started to pour from the sky that once was clear and bright, so you took all your belongings and ran as fast as you could while you tried to hide your face from bystanders.

You did not want to take a picture with a fan while you were extremely exhausted by traveling so much, knowing you would face backlash if you didn't act like the happiest person on earth. You were grateful for getting a chance to be in the spotlight, but fame came at a cost, your private life wasn't yours any longer, it was everyone else's business.

Starring alongside Elizabeth Olsen wasn't easy either, everywhere she was, there was paparazzi following her wherever she went. You did not understand how she put up with it, you were sure you would end up committing manslaughter if you were in her shoes.

You got away from the street and entered the hotel, trying to manoeuvre around families with kids in the age where superheroes were their reason for living. Covering your face with a cap and sunglasses seemed stupid but it worked most of the time, and luckily for you it worked this time too.

Taking your phone out of your pocket you saw two missed calls and one unread message from Elizabeth, you were getting slightly angry at yourself for having the habit of putting your phone on silent, no one had a chance to reach you even in an emergency.

Your head started spinning, what if something was delayed, or even cancelled. Quickly opening the message, your nerves calmed down when you read, "I tried calling you, but you didn't pick up, anyway, I'm waiting for you a few feet away from the desk in the left corner. – Lizzie"

You practically ran with your bag on your shoulder and your suitcase right behind you, trying to find her in the big crowd of people. You hated being by yourself in unknown territory, and especially while being surrounded by strangers. You finally saw her, standing in a gray suit, her wavy hair reaching down to her shoulders.

She noticed you too, smiled and waved, signalizing for you to come over. It didn't take you long to reach her, letting out a breath of relief as you stood side by side with her.

"You get nervous by... all this, too?" she asked as she gestured to the people around you, everyone walking with a destination in mind, maybe someone had a train to catch, a lover to visit, or a dog to walk. It was impossible to know for sure, but everyone was in quite a hurry to get to wherever they were going.

"Yeah, it's overwhelming, feels like I'm constantly being suffocated," you answered her, fiddling with your hands. She took the hint and went over to the desk and kindly asked for a room with two beds.

"Uhm, sadly, there are none left, we have a lot of rooms with a double bed if that works..." the receptionist stated, their eyes swiftly shifting between Elizabeth and you, casually checking if that'll be a problem.

"That... won't be an issue at all," Elizabeth informed the receptionist, and her genuine sweet smile reappeared.

When she got the key to the room and had walked a few steps away, you asked, "are you sure?" she didn't quite understand what you meant, tilting her head a little bit.

"One bed?!" You whisper yelled, already getting nervous. You had known her for over nine months, she was your colleague, maybe friend, but mostly colleague.

"Yeah? What's wrong with that? Besides, it's cheaper than paying for two rooms," she stated as she kept on walking. Not muttering a word, you walked beside her, peeking over to see which room you were staying in, trying to find the right door in the never-ending corridor.

"There," she quietly said and sped up. She unlocked the door and held it up for you, letting you enter. You spotted the bed and tensed up a bit. You didn't know how you would survive this night. Over the last three months you had started developing a crush on her, and it was going the press tours, like this one, incredibly hard.

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