After an award show

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I've got to be honest with you guys, this might be the horniest text I've ever written.

My excuse for that is that I'm hormonal and horny, because of my period.

I am so sorry for Brie Larson if she ever comes across this text. I'm sorry Brie, I really am.

I also hope this text makes up for the last one-shots that were really short.

Okay bye, I need to take a cold shower.

This was your first time ever attending an award show. It was quite scary if you were completely honest with yourself. To your advantage, you had Samuel L. Jackson by your side. He was your co-star, and he had also turned out to be a good and close friend. Someone you could turn to for anything. Advice, and help, no matter the issue, he was always there to talk to.

"There are so many people here... goddamn," you said nervously, clinging to his arm.

"Don't worry... they'll all soon find their seats, just like we will," he reassured you.

Letting out a breath you didn't know you had been holding in, you followed him until you finally could sit down. Looking around, you could see all these famous actors and actresses talking and laughing.

            They really did have a good time. But you couldn't. You knew that there was a slim chance you could end up winning an award, and it scared you, to stand up on the big stage having to tell a speech, which you hadn't prepared in the slightest.

Noticing that nearly all the women wore dresses made you anxious, it felt like you blended too in with the men as you wore a suit.

You took out the flask you had stashed in your pocket and drank from it, the burning sensation in your throat gave you something else to think about.

"Are you feeling okay?" Samuel asked, immediately laughing when you started drinking even more.

"No, I can't be here sober... it's giving major anxiety vibes... I know."

"I'm also getting 'major alcoholic vibes' from the flask you've been carrying all this time."

            "Oh god, you're too old to say major and vibes in the same sentence..."

"What? You're the one teaching me about what all the young people are doing and saying..."

You only laughed in response, feeling more relaxed as the alcohol slowly entered your bloodstream.

"So, now we just sit here and wait?" you asked, as you noticed Scarlett Johansson passing by.

"Oh my god... did you see her?"


"Scarlett motherfucking Johansson!" you squealed, too loudly for your own liking.

You looked Samuel right in the eyes, and said, "y'know, she is so fine, her smile, and those gorgeous eyes, like, I can't, I'm fangirling too much... she is so beautiful."

Samuel looked at you in disbelief.

"Gay awakening right there, like, if you didn't feel yourself getting warm and flustered as you stared at her on the big screen in a movie theatre, then you're a weirdo. A legend, an icon, and utterly stunning, is what she is!" you rambled on, forgetting where you were.

Someone cleared their throat right beside you, and you slowly looked up at them.

"You called my name?"

"Oh, God... shit. I am sorry."

She just laughed at your response. "No, no, it's fine! Glad to have helped you figure out your sexuality... you're looking quite attractive yourself, especially in that suit."

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