As it was

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Looking over at the woman on the opposite side of the table was impossible. You didn't understand how she could do this, or why, for that matter. Your mind was clouded, and the fog never seemed to pass as you stared at how her fingers tapped on the wood.

Nothing about this made sense. It didn't seem real. You thought back on everything that had happened. Buying an apartment together, her getting pregnant, the accident, the day everything went downhill. It all felt like some sort of sick joke.

You felt someone nudge your shoulder, making you look up. "What?" you asked slightly confused. The man beside you only cleared his throat. He looked quite handsome, clean shaven, short black hair, and not to mention a ring on his finger. He must have been one of the lucky ones in this world.

He had a woman to go home to, unlike you.

You looked good, given the circumstances, but the ring on your finger didn't mean anything, not anymore. It was a painful reminder of how everything had gone to shit.

Not daring to look at her, your eyes landed on the man beside her.

He flashed you a smile, but you couldn't return it. You were too sad.

You glanced at her, and her eyes were already on you, making you look away in an instant.

Never in your life had you heard silence quite this loud.

It was strange, to say the least. But it was the reason to why you were in this room, with lawyers trying to keep the peace between the two of you.

Whenever you two were alone, you'd argue. To be honest, you didn't believe you could ever have a normal conversation with her ever again.

The fighting and bickering had gone on for far too long. Trying to repair it only made it worse. It made the wedge between the two of you painfully clear.

You told your family for a reason; you couldn't keep it in.

Your sibling even splashed out on the bottle.

Everyone thought you were going to make it, that you both were in it for the long run.

But it wasn't so.

You had nothing bad to say about her, you couldn't even blame her.

Not once did you doubt your relationship, because you had given it your all, you were patient with her, gave her love and affection, and space when needed, but still it wasn't enough. The effort you put in was simply not enough to make her stay.

Hearing the scribbling of a pen made you anxious. She was signing the papers. It felt like someone was repeatedly kicking your stomach, you felt the need to throw up. You needed to get out of there.

Abruptly standing up, holding a hand in front of your mouth said it all. All eyes in the room landed on you as you turned around.

"Where do you think you're going?" her low and raspy voice spoke out.

"I can't just sit here and watch you sign the...." you answered, but couldn't finish the sentence as your voice broke, then you opened the door and walked out. You leaned against the wall, tears streaming down your face. From the inside you heard a chair scraping the floor, and soon enough the door opened.

"Are you okay?" your lawyer asked you, while you were obviously not okay at all.

"Does it fucking look like I'm okay?" you practically yelled at him.

"I had it all! I was happily married to the kindest woman I've ever known. We bought an apartment and moved in together. Before we knew it, we tried for a baby, reciprocal IVF was a lifesaver, we could both be biological parents to our unborn child," you yelled at him as people around you turned their heads in your direction.

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