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It didn't take long before you were straddling Taylor's lap, wrapping your arms around her neck. You had missed spending time with her and being close to her.

"Oh my, eager, aren't you?" Taylor asked teasingly with a grin plastered on her face. You giggled in response.

Her ocean blue eyes made you feel like drowning, in a good way. It felt like hope, safety, comfort and love washed over you, and it was your lifeline, ironic as it sounds it kept you afloat in life.

"I've missed you... like crazy," you informed her as you let out a light chuckle.

"I've missed you even more," Taylor said as she pulled you closer into a hug, and you wrapped your legs around her waist, and afterwards snuggled your face into her neck.

You eventually pulled away, but not without kissing her neck, taking her slightly by surprise. When you looked up at her you couldn't help it but peck her red plumped lips in an instant.

Taylor's hands were quick to softly take a hold of the sides of your face, stroking her thumbs over your rosy cheeks. It wasn't before one of her thumbs grazed your bottom lip that you saw her eyes light up with lust.

You leaned in and pecked her lips once again, like you had done just moments ago. This time Taylor grabbed your neck and pulled you in for an actual kiss, which made you want it to last forever.

With no intention of pulling away you placed your hand on her cheek, slowly tilting your head to get more access. This went on until you eventually were out of breath.

That's when you decided to change your own position. You sat up with your knees going into the couch like knives, like you originally had sat when you first straddled her lap.

Without wasting anymore time you leaned in to press chaste kisses on her mouth. You could feel her grow tense in anticipation under you, but the kiss never lasted longer than three seconds.

"Stop being a tease and sit down on my thigh already," she ordered in a tone that went from playful to strict in less than a second.

"What?" you asked, not processing what she just had told you to do.

"Don't question me, just do as I say, honey," she said slightly annoyed by you not behaving as you usually do without any questions whatsoever. It didn't take long before you had obeyed her as you normally did.

She started sucking on your neck and you slowly started to grind on her thigh. You could feel yourself getting wetter by the second. The only thing in between your hot and needing core was the fabric of your panties.

When your grinding became more needy than before she started to kiss up your neck, onto your chin and lastly your lips. You let out a moan that she immediately silenced when she gently caressed your tongue with hers.

Taylor's hands trailed down your baggy shirt until she got to your waist, lost in the kiss you were startled and thrown off guard when she ripped up your panties, and threw them away behind you.

"Did I scare you, darling?" she asked with concern characterizing her tone.

"Kinda, but it's fine!" you answered her truthfully and giggled.

"Okay... good," she followed up, groped your ass and pulled you towards her, dragging your clit up her thigh, sending the most wonderful spikes of pleasure up your spine.

"Taylor!" you moaned out in pleasure.

"Oh, did that get a sound out of you?" she asked rhetorically as you held onto her shoulders to keep yourself balanced. Taylor grabbed onto your waist, took control, and rocked your hips back and forth in a circular motion.

You tried to stifle your moans and keep quiet by holding one of your hands on your mouth out of embarrassment of making too loud sounds.

"Babe, I want to hear you when you cum," she informed you and softly took your hand away from your mouth.

"O-okay," you stuttered out as you were reaching your climax. Unheavenly sounds left your mouth as you dropped your head into the nape of her neck, burying yourself in it.

"You better have an insurance on those legs, Tay," you cried out as you rode out your orgasm.

"You better have an insurance on your pussy just in case I destroy it," she answered as she chuckled into your ear.

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