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You knocked on the front door of the house slightly nervous, your hands were sweaty, and you tried to focus on the task at hand. Your job was simple, interview the artist Billie Eilish, and get her to open more up about her life, in this rare and exclusive interview. 

It would make you useless if you couldn't write the piece that the magazine desperately wanted. You knew you would be dropped if this wasn't successful – you barely survived journalism school, so this was by far your biggest challenge yet. You have finally gotten the chance of interviewing someone famous and can't bear to screw it up now.

You rang the bell and said, "excuse me... I'm here to interview Billie Eilish."

A security guard opened the door, looked you up and down, and then talked into an earpiece.

"There's a journalist outside, claiming they're here to interview Miss. Eilish."

He slowly walked backwards making room for you to enter, "this way."

You followed him until he stopped outside a big wooden door, hearing laughter coming from inside the room. "Good luck," he said, walking away with a grin.

You knock on the door. Three knocks to be exact. The laughter stops, and the door quickly opened, revealing the singer dressed in all black, like she was already making a statement.

"You're here to interview me, right?" she said, biting her lip.

"Yes..." you answered her with a shy smile.

"Finneas you can leave now, and so can security, I won't need them today."

You watched as her brother obeyed her, left the room, and smelled his cologne as he slipped past you, leaving you alone with her.

You had done your research about her family, her love life, her career. But nothing really seemed to capture you like her music did. She's incredibly talented, and it's threating, nearly suffocating to be in her presence.

She knew that when she walked into a room, all eyes would eventually land on her. To no surprise, she's a true master of making herself interesting, mysterious, and gorgeous at the same time.

"Welcome to my living room," she said, gesturing to the room the two of you were currently in.

"Sit," she ordered as she sat down on a chair. Ordering someone around is surely not something new for her, so you sat down on the couch opposite of her.

"What song are you most happy with?" you asked, starting off with an easy question.

"I don't know. It depends," she said.

"How so?" you asked, looking her directly in the eye.

"Anything can have an impact on that... my mood, my current situation, anything you can think of really."

"So, what would you say is your current situation?"

"Right now, I'm good. I've been quite successful so far."

"When you think about success, what comes in mind? The money you're making, the albums you're writing or the relationships you're building?" you asked, crossing your legs.

"Can I say all of the above?" she asked back, answering your question with a question. "Are there any special relationships you've been developing recently?" you asked trying to make her let up.

"You don't even try to hide what you're after. I'm surprised," she said, and her lips tugged into a sly smirk, "then I won't either."

"Go on," you said, staring her down, focusing on how her jet-black hair and red lipstick made her eyes shine. Getting slightly more anxious of what she wanted out of this interview.

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