Movie night

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This text was requested by babwsyay, hope it lives up to your expectations.

It was a quiet evening; the streets weren't as busy as they were in the broad daylight making it disturbingly quiet in your shared apartment. Sitting at home alone, patiently waiting for your girlfriend to come home from work.

You were incredibly proud of her for getting to work as an actress but working round the clock made her unavailable to reach most at the time. When she was home, you were at work, and the other way around.

So, the time you got to spend together was special to you, scared of letting time go to waste you made every second with her worth it, giving her love and affection any chance that you possibly could. Kissing her on the cheek as she slept before leaving for work, or having dinner made before she got home, buying her flowers before you got home from work or just peppering her with kisses whenever you saw fit.

You had promised her to watch a movie that she had wanted to watch for a while, but never having gotten the time to watch it together you had decided that you were going to have a weekend with absolutely no other plans than to relax and get away from the real world for a little while. Hearing keys turning in the lock as you sat in silence you knew she finally had gotten home and was right outside the door.

The door then quietly opened, "I'm home!" she said loudly as you heard her in the little hallway taking off her shoes. "I'm in the living room!" you informed her as you had the movie ready to play as soon as she crashed on the sofa beside you.

You heard her steps becoming louder and louder from behind you.

"Come here," you said with a grin plastered on your face as she walked past the armrest. When she sat down beside you on the couch you couldn't help but pull her into your loving and warm embrace.

"I've missed you," you said and proceeded to lightly press a chaste kiss on her lips. "I've missed you more," she said after she pulled away only to lean in again, for a moment it felt like time had stopped when her lips met yours just as they did some seconds earlier.

Her lips washing over yours like a wave of warmth and comfort.

"Are you ready to watch the movie?" you asked her after you had to pull away when you were out of breath, since you knew her all too well you knew she'd want to be closer to you. Moving beside you, onto your lap, she leaned forward until your heads were touching.

Her nose rubbing yours, making her giggle and then nod.

"Yeah, now I'm ready," she answered you, then turned around in your lap, and snuggled into you, her head resting on your shoulder.

Turning the movie on, watching it in silence with one arm wrapped around her waist, holding her soft hand in yours you instantly noticed how she'd momentarily bite her lip when intimate scenes came up on the screen. You noticed every time she glanced at you, then looked back at the TV blushing.

As this went on for a while you decided to take a hold of her jaw the next time she'd try to briefly look at you then pretend like it was nothing. It didn't take long before her gaze was directed at you and not the movie, so you did as you had planned, carefully grabbing her jaw forcing her to look at you.

Caressing her cheek with one hand and holding her chin up with the other you couldn't help but smile out of pure joy.

"What?" she asked you as she chuckled. Tucking her hair behind her ear gave you an even better view of her face. You let yourself take in every single little detail about her breathtakingly gorgeous face.

Her heavenly forest green eyes shining at you, buttoned cute nose and plumped irresistible lips.

"You're giving me the look," you said before your lips then gently found hers, you slowly got lost in the passionate kiss as your hands softly travelled up and down her body, stopping when they found her hips.

She moved to the side, making it harder for you to kiss her back, then her arm went behind the pillow beside you. Pulling out a strap-on dildo, looking at you shyly with it in hand.

"What are you waiting for, babe?" you asked and gently pushed her off your lap, as she was stripping in front of you, you took off your own clothes and put the belt on. When she sat down on your thighs just in front of it her breasts bounced, she reached forward to position it beneath her. You carefully entered a finger in between her wet folds to ensure she was ready.

There was no doubt that she was wet, soaking even, she placed her hands on your shoulders for stability then proceeded to carefully lower herself down on the strap-on. You pulled her closer, started to nibble on her earlobe as her arms snaked around your neck.

Steadily rocking her hips up and down on the strap, you placed sloppy kisses all over her neck until you then sucked and softly bit, pinching her skin, leaving bruises and marking her as your own. You could feel her getting impatient as she quickened her pace, and her breath gradually got uneven as she kept on rocking her hips.

You pressed kisses on her jaw, then stopped as your lips brushed hers. Smirking at her when her eyes would shut temporarily because of the pleasure that was rupturing between her own thighs.

"Open your eyes, Scarlett," you ordered, and her green eyes flew open. You chuckled lowly at how stared at you with curiosity. When you had gotten her attention, you spat down on her cunt, your salvia making it easier for her as she rocked her hips even faster, chasing the release she desperately needed. She threw her head back and let out a nearly pornographic moan.

The movie you were watching was quickly forgotten, and she let out quiet moans as you carefully thrusted into her. You pulled her closer and her breasts were practically bouncing on top of yours.

"Don't stop, please... don't you dare stop!"

Holding around her with your arms you let one hand fall to trace her bare back and thigh with your fingertips until your hand reached her core. Finding her clit, you started stimulating her to get her closer to her orgasm.

Pressing her even closer to you with the hand you rested on her back to rock her even more was what made her tremble on top of you, legs shaking and whimpering sounds leaving her mouth.

Your lips met hers as you thrusted harder, then you pulled away to make sure all she felt was pleasure, taking notice of all her facial expressions and sounds that left her mouth for any indicator if she was hurting, but to no surprise you already knew her boundaries and were sure to keep it that way.

Clashing your lips on hers again you kept a steady pace and stimulated her clit until her walls clenched around the strap-on and came all over it.

She clung to you, and you rode out her orgasm, letting her catch her breath as she was resting her head on your shoulder, her uneven warm breath meeting your skin making you hold around her tighter, hugging her.

"God, I love you, Scarlett," you softly said as she was still catching her breath.

"I love you too!" she said all flustered, stomach rising and falling unevenly, panting in sweat. She slowly lifted herself up and then sat down beside you.

"I'll be right back, babe," you informed her, took off the strap-on and went to the bathroom to get a towel with water to clean her up. After having cleaned her up you got some comfy clothes for the both of you, turned the TV off and carried her to your bedroom. You got under the covers, Scarlett snuggled up to you, and your arm held around her making sure to keep her close.

She looked up at you just to peck your lips one last time before she closed her eyes and went to sleep. Times like these were the moments that mattered the most, and even though you didn't get to see her every time you wanted to, this was enough for you, because it made these times even more special.

You kissed the top of her head and drew circles and letters up and down her arm as you watched her sleep in your embrace. When you knew that she was pleased, happy and safe, only then you let yourself close your own eyes, just to fall asleep to dream about yet another day with the woman you loved, so you then could wake up to live the dream.

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