Natasha Romanoff coming home from a mission

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This text was a request by skyler123345, I hope you like it!

Usually, it didn't take a long time for Natasha to come back from the missions she would go on. This mission was different, something about Budapest, if you remembered correctly. It took longer than expected, in other words, she had been gone for a long time.

You had planned on going to bed, but a bad habit of taking your laptop with you so you could watch videos on YouTube, or a movie on Netflix was becoming routine for you. Sitting on your bed, clicking through the videos that came up on your recommended was what you were currently doing, but it quickly became boring, so you turned the laptop off with a sigh.

You officially had nothing to do, you were bored out of your mind, and you weren't tired, meaning that sleep wasn't really an option. Then the idea popped into your mind, and your cheeks went red just momentarily.

You knew you weren't allowed to go through with the idea you had gotten, but Natasha wasn't there, and she probably wouldn't be home this week so it didn't matter because she wouldn't know.

After debating with yourself for a small amount of time, you got rid of your underwear, which left you naked from the waist down. Your hand travelled down between your thighs, and it didn't take long before you felt a well-known wetness as you were pleasuring yourself.

Lost in thought and closing your eyes, imagining that Natasha was the one stimulating your clit, you bit your lip and increased the speed. Knowing you weren't allowed to pleasure yourself without her present made you even more turned on, you knew very well that you needed her permission, and you had not gotten it. You got closer to reaching your climax and kept up the speed.

"Wait, are you masturbating?!" you heard a familiar voice ask from beside you, and your eyes shut open in a flash and you ripped your hand away and dragged your t-shirt down, trying to cover up.

"Oh my god, really? You just couldn't wait, could you?" the voice once again asked, but you were nervous and kept looking away, knowing you had broken the rules.

The redhead then sat down on the bed, and took a hold of your chin, turning your head in her direction.

"C'mon babe, open your eyes, you're not that scared of punishment, are you?" she asked mischievously, and you opened your eyes only to see her lips tug into a smirk.

"I'm sorry..." you said, just to be cut off.

"I get it, I've been gone a long time, so I'm sorry, it took longer than I expected," she apologized, glancing down, avoiding eye-contact for just some seconds before she then looked up again. Honestly, you were way too horny to ask her how it had gone.

"I'm not scared of punishment," you stated with a smile, knowing you would get release after all.

"Good, because it's your own actions that made you deserve punishment. You do remember that I said you needed permission, right?" Natasha asked as her hand started stroking your thigh.

You only nodded in response. It didn't take long before Natasha pushed you down on the bed, she leaned down, avoided your lips, and instead her mouth was hovering over your ear.

"You're going to regret not behaving, acting like a slut, so needy that you couldn't wait for a few more days..." she whispered into your ear, her breath lingering on your skin, making you shiver. Her slender fingertips traced down your body until she found your already wet core.

Then she started stimulating you, like you had done to yourself just moments before. Her hand rubbed your clit in a circular motion making you buck your hips for the extra friction.

"I got a feeling you're going to beg..." Natasha stated with a sly smile. Low moans left your mouth as she added more pressure. Your hands disappeared under your t-shirt, and you started fondling with your own breasts, chasing your release.

You started to tremble under her, and just as you were about to come undone her hand left your body.

"Natasha, please," you said as the sensation of pleasure disappeared, a feeling of disappointment taking over.

"Honey, you know that isn't my name," her hand landed on your hips. Just inches away from your goal.

"I'm sorry mommy."

Soon enough she was stimulating your clit again, once again you were letting out moans as the rupture between your thighs were becoming unbearable without a release in the nearest future. Your breathing was becoming harder to control as you got more sensitive for each second that passed. It was hard to cover up the fact that your legs were starting to shake slightly again, and your moans turned into desperate cries as the orgasm you were chasing got closer. Once again as you were about to come undone beneath her, she stopped pleasuring you.

The loss of contact was pure torture. You knew this was your punishment, so you did what every brat would have done in this situation. You begged, "for fuck's sake, mommy please!" All she did was chuckle lowly with satisfaction.

When her hand once again found your core, you immediately felt a spike of pleasure shoot throughout your body. You were so sensitive that the orgasm didn't need any build-up anymore.

Every time you were getting close you felt your body grow more tired but still you wanted the release more than anything.

"Please don't stop. I'm begging you..." you said in between heavy breaths. She kept on stimulating you, and you were biting the inside of your cheek trying to silence yourself as the moans escaped your mouth.

"Trying to be quiet? Who gave you permission to do that, huh? Guess you won't get to come now either," Natasha said with a grin.

"No! mommy, p-please!" you nearly screamed out as her hand disappeared like it had done multiple times now. She looked at you like you were her prey, and now she was just playing with you, messing around, waiting for the right moment to strike.

You glared at her until she once again started to pleasure you. "D-don't stop! Please! I'll be good mommy, I promise!" you begged her, uttering the words in a whimpering manner.

This must've been fun for her, but by now it was borderline unbearable. Within a few seconds you were trembling under her, legs shaking, and your breathing made your stomach rise and fall unevenly.

The indicators of how close you were, was always the same, but finally result was different. Your hands gripped the sheets as you came undone, and Natasha's beautiful green eyes stared you down with satisfaction plastered on her face as your legs closed by instinct. Before you knew it, she was stimulating you once more without any warning.

"No! No more!" you were now overstimulated, and it didn't take long before you came again nearly screaming when the second orgasm washed over you as her lips gently met yours for the first time since she had come home, and it was fair to say that you melted into the kiss.

You were exhausted, but the feeling of her lips against your own was something you'd never get tired of. Eventually you pulled away to catch your breath, but she never ceased to amaze you, how caring and loving she was, even though she could seem rough.

She sensed that you were tired, and pulled you closer to her, then dragged the covers over the two of you. Since you knew she needed time to open up about her time in Budapest, you found yourself satisfied with cuddling instead of talking. The only words exchanged later that night was, "I love you."  

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