Mending your broken heart & driving to the coast

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This is part 2 of, "Telling pretty lies"

Parking outside of Scarlett's new house was weird. It was a big house. A big enough house to raise a family in, and that is what she did.

She was living there happily with Colin and their baby.

You hadn't really talked to Scarlett since the divorce, even though there was no bad blood between the two of you.

There was no fighting or bickering. Just simply the two of you dividing everything equally.

The media speculated like crazy, but you and Scarlett kept everything away from the public eye and announced that you had separated and were still friends.

To say that you were friends might not have been the best choice. Because after the divorce, you stopped talking, but that was mostly your fault. You told her you needed space to move on, so she kept her distance as you had asked her to.

After you hadn't been spotted together for several months, the media started prying again. Paparazzi following you a lot of the time. But now you didn't really care anymore, all that had meaning in this moment was the present you had in hand, and the woman beside you in the passenger seat.

"Do you wanna come with?" you asked with a smile.

"Are you sure? Isn't that a bit weird... since-" she tried to speak but you cut her off.

"It'll be fine!" you reassured her.

Soon enough you both stepped out of your car and walked over to the front door.

Knocking on the door, you felt yourself getting nervous.

"Hey..." Scarlett said, opening the door, Colin walking up and standing beside her.

She looked quite surprised, but Colin didn't really understand what was going on.

"I bought your little baby boy some clothes, a blanket, and a stuffed animal... I think it's a dog... I'm not really sure... it was cute," you said, giving her the present.

Without thinking she gave it to Colin and pulled you in for a big hug. Both Colin and your own girlfriend looked at the two of you awkwardly.

"Thank you..." she said, stroking your back.

Her warm embrace felt safe, soft, warm, and familiar. But it wasn't something you craved anymore.

Because beside you, stood Florence. The woman that you had fallen head over heels for. You didn't know what it was about her. It could be her piercing eyes, or plumped lips, her raspy voice, how talented she was at her job, or the food she cooked. Everything about her was a dream come true.

She never hid anything from you, and if she had an issue with something then she'd tell you. When you fought, she'd never leave it unresolved. Not once had you gone to bed angry. She was so persistent on making you happy that all you wanted to do in return was to please her and make her feel as happy as you were when she was around you.

It was safe to say that she had mended your broken heart. She had picked up all the pieces, and put them back together, like you were something delicate.

You'll never forget when she had asked, "is it insensitive of me to say, get your shit together so I can love you?"

It just opened your eyes to what was right in front of you when the divorce got the best of you. Since then, you never stopped thinking about her, and what the future held for the two of you. You never looked back, and let yourself fall for her, even though you were extremely scared of getting hurt again.

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