The very first night

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This is what happened in the hotel room before, "I will always love you more than him"

Warnings: Infidelity.

You hadn't planned on staying at a hotel. But here you were, putting your bags on the floor, looking around the dim room.

It was just a quick stop. For one night. Phoebe was supposed to catch a flight tonight, but she changed her mind, saying she'd take an early flight the next day.

It was impulsive of her. But how could you tell her no? She needed to rest.

She walked past you, put her own bag on the bed, and took out a bottle of wine. You only stood and watched as she took two glasses from the cabinet.

"Do you want some?" she asked while pouring the red liquid.

"Oh, yeah, sure..." you answered her with a shy smile.

You walked towards her when she held the glass out for you to take, then followed her out on the balcony.

The cold breeze felt good on your skin. The city lights shined in the distance. It was like the city came alive after dark. It was a beautiful sight, easy to take in, but even easier to forget.

"Does it ever become too much?" you asked and sat down on one of the chairs.

"What do you mean?"

"This life... travelling and going on tour," you went on.

"Why do you think I bought this wine?" she joked, making you laugh.

"Fair point."

She took a sip of her wine, looking out at all the shining lights.

"I'm happy you invited me," you said, smiling at her.

"And I'm happy you decided to come with."

She looked thankful. Maybe even relieved.

"Why didn't you invite Paul?" you asked unbothered and drank some of your wine.

"It's not really his scene..." she answered, drinking some more wine so she couldn't elaborate.

He didn't seem enthusiastic about her career. But you were. You always supported her, even if she had rebellious ideas and got in trouble, you were her partner in crime. He simply wasn't.

"His loss then," you said.

"Yeah..." she agreed lowly.

She deserved better. It was all you could think of as you drank the rest of your wine. He was an idiot. And she was the best goddamn thing that ever happened to him.

Maybe his ego was too big for him to realize that he should be more supportive of her.

"Do you want some more?" she asked, signalizing to your empty glass.

"Sure..." you said, without thinking of the consequences.

"Thank you..." you said as she poured you some more wine, and she smiled softly at you.

You liked making her feel appreciated. Because she was.

She poured herself some more wine as you stood up. You looked out in the distance, one hand resting on the railing. You heard her getting up from her chair.

Her presence beside you was impossible to ignore, especially her perfume.

"Thank you for being here," she said as she placed her hand on top of yours. It sent shivers down your spine. It felt different. Maybe it was the wine that deceived your mind.

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