Natasha Romanoff & Wanda Maximoff just a shower, right?

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The humid air fogged over the mirror, leaving damp marks behind. The warm water ran down your body, trailing every curve. As you massaged the shampoo into your scalp you heard the door creaking from behind you.

While you're cleansing out the shampoo, two people squeezed their way into the shower behind you.

"I thought you said you were going to wait for us..." a raspy woman's voice said as a pair of hands slithered their way around your waist.

"I don't recall saying that, Natasha..." you stated as you took some soap and slowly rubbed it all over your stomach and chest.

"I think she needs to be reminded, maybe she'll remember exactly what she promised us," a soft voice spoke out from behind, nearly muffled out by the falling water from above.

Suddenly Natasha's hands wandered from your waist and moved upwards to your stomach and rinsed the soap off for you. You didn't even need to look up at her to know that she was enjoying it when her hands fondled your breasts.

As you still were being rinsed off, you could make out the shuffling that was happening behind you. Soon enough the owner of the soft voice made their way in front of you, making a smug grin appear on your face.

Now you were standing between the two women, sandwiched in the middle.

"What did I promise you, hun?" you asked the woman in front of you as you grabbed a hold of the soap and started rubbing it on her stomach.

You took a step closer to her, bodies touching, leaving no space whatsoever between the two of you. Slightly hovering over her you had to lean down in order for you to whisper in her ear.

"I promised you the night of your life, didn't I, Wanda?"

You could feel her shivering beneath you, and you felt familiar arms snake around your waist. It didn't take long before a hot breath lingered on your neck and wet kisses were placed on your chin along with her biting and tugging at your flesh.

Leaning into the redhead, you roughly grabbed the shorter woman in front of you by the arm and pulled her closer. Your hands made their way up to her face, and slowly tucked her hair behind her ear.

"You really are beautiful, princess..." you informed Wanda as you caressed her cheek with one hand, and holding her chin up with the other, forcing her to look up at you.

As you went on caressing her, taking in every single detail about her gorgeous face, your thumb eventually grazed her bottom lip. After that you couldn't help but clash your lips against hers.

When the kiss went from passionately to heated, a hand began groping your ass, making you gasp since you were taken by surprise, resulting with you moaning into the kiss.

Your hand grabbed a hold of Wanda's neck, as you slowly pulled away biting her bottom lip in the process. Then you rather quickly started pressing chaste kisses all over her neck, until you instead went on to suck on her neck, making sure to leave a bruise.

Then without any warning, you turned off the water, grabbed a hold of both Wanda and Nat's hands, one in each of your own palms and strutted out of the shower.

--- Time skip ---

You whispered an order into Wanda's ear, and you could almost see the hairs on her arms rising at the idea. She then proceeded to slowly walk over to Natasha, pushing her silently onto the office chair. Wanda slid onto her lap and began trailing kisses down her neck.

While they were occupied, you walked over to the nightstand drawer and got out the handcuffs.

As Natasha's hands started to roam on Wanda's bare back and finding their way even higher, pulling at Wanda's hair, you harshly grabbed one of her hands and cuffed it, then you quickly took a hold of the other one and now she was officially handcuffed.

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