Movie night with friends

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Warnings: kind of exhibitionism.

It was movie night with the girls, and it was something you had missed. There was always one of you that couldn't come, but tonight, everyone was there, and for the first time, you were the last one to arrive.

"Come in!" Hailee squealed while opening the door and dragged you inside.

"The others are waiting in the living room," she told you and closed the door behind you.

The girls had opened some bottles of alcohol already, judging by the laughter you heard almost immediately.

Hailee wrapped her arm around your waist and the two of you walked to the others.

It was a friendly gesture, nothing more, you thought to yourself, secretly hoping it was more than just that.

Playfully, Hailee cheered, "finally, everyone is here!"

All the girls turned their heads in your direction. "Get over here already!" Blake said, patting the spot beside her on the big sectional couch.

You practically ran only to flop down beside her.

"Thank you!" Blake jokingly said as she snatched the two bottles of wine you had taken with you.

"Hey! Those were mine!" you pouted, watching as she filled the empty glass on the table. "Here, drink up, buttercup," she said and handed you the glass.

You sipped your wine and watched intently as Taylor put her empty glass in front of Blake, grinning at her.

"You've already had so much to drink!" Blake joked but filled her glass too.

"I haven't drunk enough though, when I'm laying here passed out, that's when I've had too much to drink," Taylor giggled, sitting back, tasting the wine you brought.

"What do you guys want to watch?" Hailee chipped in, remote in hand.

"Something funny," Selena said, leaning on Taylor's shoulder.

"Something romantic!" Taylor said shortly after.

You looked at Blake with a smirk tugging at your lips, and she shook her head no like she knew what you were going to say.

"Ryan Reynolds!" you yelled out, in all seriousness.

"No, we are not watching a movie that my husband has acted in," Blake sighed.

"Why not? He's a funny guy," you argued.

"I came here to unwind, to get away from him and the kids."

"What do you wanna watch then?" you asked Blake.

"A comedy, maybe..."

"Okay, so a romantic comedy then..." Hailee muttered, trying to find a movie.

Ultimately ending up choosing Mamma Mia! Here we go again!

"Be ready to watch Taylor and Selena sing their hearts out," Hailee said, glancing at the two singers.

"Oh, so you're telling me you don't jam out to ABBA?" you asked her sarcastically.

"I do! But I'm only warning you, soon they'll be performing like they're on stage!"

Taylor and Selena only shrugged their shoulders in response.

It turned out that Hailee wasn't lying after all. After some more glasses of wine, Taylor and Selena stood on the table, the two empty wine bottles in hand, pretending they were microphones, singing at the top of their lungs.

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