Wanda Maximoff not a snack but a whole goddamn meal

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You had given Wanda attitude over the course of the two last days. To say the least she was pissed off because of it. She'd tolerated your mood swings but now it was getting out of control, and she couldn't put up with it anymore.

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" she asked you as you were slumped down on the couch with the remote control in hand. "I don't know, you choose," you sighed back as you kept switching channels on the TV.

"Did I do something? Have I said something?" Wanda asked confused and sighed as she opened the fridge to see which ingredients you had bought that she could make a meal out of.

"You... you just talk too much, Wanda!" you huffed out as you ran your fingers through your hair, wanting to rip it out.

"If you need space just tell me and I'll give you space, but you have to talk to me in order for me to understand what you need, we must communicate if you want us to work," she stated as she started to rummage in the cabinets, making loud and unpleasant clattering noises with the kitchen equipment.

Her rummaging in the kitchen made you throw the remote control in the chair opposite of you. Afterwards you shot up from the couch and made your way to the kitchen just some meters away from where you had watched TV.

"Stop it!" you shouted at her and took the frying pan out of her hands and slammed it onto the counter in pure anger. "If you needed space, I assume you would have told me already. What is this really about, huh?" she asked as she looked over her shoulder and down at your scowling face.

You didn't answer, just let out a grunt. "What did I do?!" she once again asked, now getting slightly annoyed by your attitude not letting up. You looked at her with a sulky pout forming on your lips.

"Oh... this is about what I haven't done, is it?" she asked as she searched your face for an answer. As you looked away in embarrassment, she grabbed your waist in an instant and placed you on the counter.

She spread your legs and stood between them, then softly lifting your chin up and leaning in, locking your lips. "Wrap yourself around me," she ordered, and without questioning it, you did. Wanda dragged your pants and underwear down to your thighs, sat you back on the counter and dragged your clothes completely off, letting them lay in a pile in front of the closed fridge.

Once again, her lips met yours, and her hands stroked your thighs up and down. You held her close with your arms around her neck, not letting her go. After she pulled away, she slowly placed kisses down your chin, and neck. "Arms up," she said, which you certainly listened to. Your t-shirt was then thrown onto the pile of clothes on the floor.

You grabbed her sweater, pulling her close again. Then took a hold of her neck and pressed your lips against hers in a hungry manner. Her hands started to fondle with your bra, and soon enough she had removed that piece of clothing too, which meant that you were now butt naked on the counter.

You kissed her until you were out of breath, and that's when she went even lower. With one hand she groped one of your breasts and fondled with your nipple, sucking the other one, making you moan in anticipation.

"Wanda... please," you begged her as she took her time, making you even more impatient. "Huh?" she asked sarcastically as she was moving lower down. She was kissing the insides of your thighs, which made you close your legs by instinct, since you wanted and needed her closer. You cradled her face with your thighs, starting to grind forward into her face.

Just seconds after, she spread your legs again, denying you the friction you had so desperately tried to get. "Fuck me... please!" you whined out as you were aching for her touch.

"Will you behave and drop the bitchy attitude if I do?" she asked in a mocking and teasing tone. "Yes. I swear... please," you now begged her, as your craving grew larger.

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