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"Yay! Finally it's summer time now and all of our exams are finally over."

"I can't believe we really survived our first year at the University.  Jeez, second semester really did pass by in a bliss." Chae uttered exuberantly  as she lazily stretches her arms and sat comfortably at the huge couch.  It was their last day at the University and all of their friends decided to hang out at Jisoo's place after their exams to celebrate the end of hell week.

"Yah, Son Chaeyoung, what do you mean it passed by in pure bliss?"

"How the fuck was it a bliss when all we did was to study, study study."

"Jeez, I haven't gotten laid for a month now because of that." Jeongyeon wined causing her friends to choke from the juice they were drinking. She looked at them with bore expressions and continued drawing figures on Seulgi's arms using her permanent marker as if she's giving her tattoos.

"Yah, that's fuckin gross." Irene commented as she shot the woman her disgusted look but Jeongyeon just shrug it off and continued doodling on Seulgi's arm.

"So what are your plans for the summer, guys?" Jeongyeon asked. She then looked at Seulgi and when she finally noticed that the latter was no longer paying attention to what she's doodling, Jeongyeon grinned wickedly and started drawing dicks in different sizes.

"Well, Seul and I will surely spend the entire summer working at the Café." Jisoo answered non-chalantly.

"How bout you Jenduek?" She then turned to Jennie who at the moment was comfortably snuggled in her arms.

"Do you have any plans this summer? I heard Irene is going to the States to visit her brother there."

"Are you and Liz going to spend your summer there too?"Jisoo asked, trying to sound casual but her tone was somewhat sad. Jennie turned to her and her beautiful cat eyes cast her a hopeful look.

"I have other plans Chu."

"I'm planning to go on a trip with someone very important to me."

"I'm just trying to find the perfect time to ask that person out." Jennie answered sheepishly and all Jisoo could do is respond with disappointed look.

"Oh.. well then, I hope you guys would enjoy your trip then." Jisoo answered in a low tone earning her a loud groan from all of her friends.

"Yah, Kim Jisoo! How can you be this dense? It's fuckin obvious whom Jen-Jen was talkin about. Seriously, do I still need to spell it to you?" Irene groaned frustratedly at the oblivious woman and Jennie just wished that ground would just swallow her whole from such embarassment. All of their friends were supressing a hard laugh except for Jeongyeon who's so engrossed with the tattoos she was drawing..

"Seriously Chu, don't make it hard for my cousin to ask you out. Don't you know how much courage it took her to tell you that? Yah, Jeongyeon, if you don't stop drawing dicks on Seulgi's arm, I swear I'm gonna cut that precious fingers of yours into tiny little pieces and make sure you'll never gonna get laid again." Irene snapped as she turns to Jeongyeon who has now covered the poor woman's arm with dicks. Jeongyeon immediately let go of Seulgi's left arm and instinctively slipped her hands inside her pockets causing Nayeon to snort loudly from her seat.

"Yah! You fucker! What the hell did you just do with my arm?!"

"I told you to make it badass, like a wolf or a dragon, not a fuckin dick you retard!" Seulgi yelled fuming at her but her prickster friend just laughed exuberantly, annoying her even more.

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