chap 15

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   It was in the evening when the moon started to rise everyone started their journey towards their tent where they were staying.

  Everyone decided to have a fire camp at night so that they could enjoy. Everyone sat around the fire .

" so what shall we do "  Aarthi asked everyone.

" Just some random talks " Ram said out loud.

" So we can ask anyone whatever we want to know about them or we can spill their secrets  " Diya said enthusiastically.

" Ok fine " everyone accepted her idea.

" So someone start na " Diya whined when no one said anything.

" Diya has a boyfriend whom she meets without anyone's knowledge " Vishal said with a smile on his face.

" what " everyone yelled together . Diya chucked her head down.

" ok fine its true " Diya said narrowing her eyes at Vishal who chuckled at her antics.  Swathi looked at Vishal with a known face.

"You have dug your own grave doctor " Swathi said in her mind

" Tell us about your first love doctor sir " Binoy asked Vishal.

Binoy noticed that Swathi's attention was totally on Vishal when he asked him.

" ummm.... " Vishal scratched his neck in embarrassment.

" Oh come on Sir there is nothing to be embarrassed about this everyone has their first love " Ajay said winking.

" She was my first patient " Vishal said.

" Wow  that's an amazing story to hear I guess " Aarthi said interestingly.

" I was in my First year UG. I did not want to become a doctor at first so I used to do every naughty things that could get me punished " Vishal said looking at the grass. Swathi listened to him intently.

" That day I broke away the skeleton in the class. So my professor put me on duty to take care of his important patient as my punishment.  At that time I never knew she would be my first love. Since she was in ICU I had to wear my mask and other protective measures.

When I saw her first.... she was so cute with her big eyes ... chubby cheeks .... pointed nose....but still she was my patient. She was sleeping so I did not disturb her .

When she woke up she was utterly scared of me. It took me large effort  to control her panic attack and make her believe in me.

My first idea was to spoil my punishment and get expelled but after seeing her I changed my decisions. I  gave her my grandmother's bracelet which was lucky charm.

Whenever she would feel bored she would ring the bell and then I would be her time pass. I fell for her slowly and she never knew my face.... All she saw was my eyes.... but I don't guess she would remember that. " Vishal said looking at the fire infront of him with a small smile playing on his lips.

" And then what happened " Aarthi asked eager to know more about his love story.

" She was discharged and then I wanted to continue my course in belief that one day or the other I might come across her. "

" Did you come across her " Ajay asked him.

" Yeah..... years later I saw her.... she wasn't that the same timid little girl who was scared of seeing me and she no more had those chubby cheeks. She was more stronger . My love for her increased ten fold  "

" Did she recognize you " Binoy asked him. Vishal shook his head in denial.

" I lost her again and I tried searching for her but no avail " Vishal said for the first time looking into Swathi's eyes. Swathi's eyes held different emotions showcasing her mind.

Everyone saw Vishal looking at Swathi who in turn was looking at him .

" Shit... " Ajay said quietly.

" Wow.... so Swathi is that girl " Diya asked surprised. Vishal just smiled picking up the pebbles that laid beside him.

" Swathi say something na... " Aarthi shook Swathi who did not say anything thing.

" What do you expect me to say " Swathi asked still looking at him.

" Oh come on Swathi... we all knew you were on his bed few months back... we knew you both had an affair with him... so there is no need to act " Diya said to Swathi.

" What... I don't get it " Vishal said getting into the conversation.

" Oh that... we knew that you both were having affair... and then Binoy sir asked her to stay away from you since you were married so she did as he asked. " Diya said to Vishal. Vishal smiled widely at Swathi hearing her words.

" You know well Swathi my wife won't deny us having affair " Vishal said to Swathi with with sly smile while Swathi glared at him.

" Stop smiling or else I won't hesitate to break your bones " Swathi said gritting her teeth.

" Oh come on Swathi a simple affair won't cost much " He said playfully.  Swathi picked up a stone and threw it at him which he dodged professionally making her more angry.

" But still you have to tell us... how did he manage to take you into his bed " Ajay asked still thinking which added fuel to Swathi's anger.

She took out her wedding chain from inside her shirt and holded it her hands so that everyone could see it .

" by tieing this around my neck " she said in anger.

" and you... you are sleeping on the couch " Swathi said to Vishal who was gaping at her.  Everyone were shocked at the revelations.

" Hey...  it wasn't even my fault " Vishal said frantically while Swathi glared at him and left to her tent. Vishal just smiled and turned around to look at everyone.

" continue the story " Aarthi said

" I saw her again on my brother's marriage.  She was my Anni's sister.  I cannot lose her again. So when asked in hands of marriage she refused even her whole family refused and I decided I make her mine by hook or crook " Vishak said looking at them .

" what way did you use " Binoy asked him. Vishal just smiled....


So guys I revealed how Vishal knew Swathi.... I hope its good...tell me your thoughts plz...

And.. and... one more thing...

If Im not updating plz ask me to do because after few day I might not be able to update...

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