chap 23

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   Swathi took a day off because of all the things that happened yesterday. And then Nithya and Vishak went to their date as they said but she wasn't sure of that.

She was alone . Vishal knew she was alone so he half day off so that he could spent time with her.

" You are early today " Swathi said  as she saw him coming towards her.

" couldn't let my wife be all alone " he said winking at her. She shook her head at him.

He changed his clothes and was about to leave the room when Swathi entered the room. Hr smiled at her and hugged her feeling happy to be with her.  He pecked her lips and she narrowed her eyes at him. He laughed out looking at her reaction.

" why so moody wifey " He asked flicking her nose playfully. She swatted his hand away.

He pulled her towards him and made her sat on his lap while he sat on the couch.

" Has a single kiss from me has changed you into Romeo " she asked him with a straight face. He just laughed and kissed her cheeks.  She sighed and laid her head on his chest sitting on his lap.

" I never knew what was even sex  when they raped me " she said silently making him tighten his hold on her.

" You don't have to talk about that you know " Vishal told her.

" I have never spoken about it to anyone but I want to share it with you " she said breathing him scent calming her down.

" It happened twice..... It was very painful " she said as her eyes filled with tears.

" I'm jealous of Dev " Vishal said trying to change the topic.

" he saved me before I could be raped for the third time . They drugged him after that but when he woke up he pushed the guy out of window. And then dressed me and helped me without caring his own life. All I think of him as a guardian angel " she said reminiscing the incident.

Vishal kissed on her shoulder making sure he is there for her.

"I'm scared of sex because of the pain I went through I don't want to go through it again " she opened up her insecurities. Vishal turned her face towards him.

" we won't be having sex.... we will be making lots of love " he said wiping her tears.

" but... it... it might be painful " she said to him.

" No it won't be.... let's not talk about it now.... we will take everything according to the flow okay " he told her to which she nodded her head.

She stood up from his lap and made her way towards the bathroom. She stood under the shower to erase away the thoughts and touches from her body.

Soon she was engulfed by the familiar touch of her husband as he hugged her from behind.

" what are you doing here " she asked him as they were drenching in water.

" Erasing away their touches " he said as he took her hand in his and kissed it.

She turned around and placed her hands on his chest. Her eyes were totally red due to the crying. He kissed on her forehead making her close her eyes. He kissed on her eyes which were spilling tears.

He kissed on both of her cheeks and placed his lips on her finally.  She gave into the kiss. The wasn't anything like before it was hard and feverent.  Both were fighting for dominance. He pulled away before it could become too much and placed his head on her neck. They were breathing heavily.

His breath hit her neck making her shiver. Her were clouded his touches and kisses.

" Don't take long come out soon " he said leaving her abruptly. She was confused her mind started thinking negatively but she decided to take with him. Soon she changed her clothes which Vishal brought in when he came inside.

She went to see him lying on the bed dressed freshly. He had his hands on his eyes. She climbed on his stomach and holded his hands above his hand making him shocked. Her hair was totally wet.

" why did you leave me abruptly " she asked him in anger.  He stayed quiet .

" answer me " she demanded.

" I wanted more than kiss... so I stopped before it could become too much for you " he answered. She sighed and let go off his hands. She laid on his chest.

" soon we will " she told him as he wrapped his hands around her.

" come on let me dry your hair " he said making her whine.  Soon he started drying her hair.....

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