Chapter 6 : Tarot Club (2)

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I shook my head and sighed.

« Simple ? » Audrey returned with a question in puzzlement.

I dicted (while The Fool was staring at me, amused) :

« An examination, just like an entrance-examination for college. Hold an exam that is open to the public. It can be split into two rounds or three rounds. Use the most objective method to select the elite. »

« But... » Audrey knew what sort of objection this would entail.

« After which, use these elites to fill the positions of the Cabinet, the county government, the city government, and the various towns. Yes, the positions that are directly handling matters, such as the Secretary of the Cabinet.
Different positions should be given different requirements. The second or third rounds can be tested based on locale and region. Professional matters should be left to the professionals.
As for political positions such as ministers, governors or mayors, they will be left to the parties that win the election. That is a slice of the pie they deserve.
There's no hurry in replacing everyone at once. The cabinet and various agencies in the civil service will be crippled if that happens. You can have an examination every year or every three years. They can be gradually replaced. Finally, in light of the kingdom's expansion and the salaried civil servants' resignations that will bring in vacancies, you can systematically allot spots.
Such a design can bring the kingdom's insightful elites into the government. Regardless of the party in power or who the minister is, the civil service will allow the kingdom to maintain its basic and effective operations. »

While considering the suggestion, Audrey asked doubtfully :

« Are you implying that even if those ministers become monkeys, the effects would be insignificant ? »

« No. » Alger interjected suddenly. « I believe that monkeys are a better choice than the present ministers. »

He paused before adding : « After all, monkeys only need to eat, sleep, and mate. They would not come up with foolish ideas and insist on brainless projects. »

Audrey ruminated over the suggestion Mr. Fool had offered and after a while, said in surprise :

« It sounds like it actually might work... It's a very simple but effective solution ! »

She looked at Mr. Fool and sincerely marveled :

« Mr. Fool, you must be an elderly person with outstanding intelligence who is very experienced in life ! »

Yes, he is very old !

(Wait, then me too... No ! I am forever young !)

The Fool shook his head and chuckled :

« No, I just repeated the words of someone. »

What "no" ? That was originally your idea !

And what do you mean by that ? The person who thought of this must be an elderly person very experienced in life so you'd rather say that that person is me ?

What a scumbag ! (just searching for an opportunity to insult Mr. Fool...)

Audrey nodded :

« Then that person must very skilled in politics. »

Thank you Miss Justice ! (but it is not the case...)

*very moved.jpg*

Well, in truth, politics is one of the subjects I am worst at... (If we studied monarchy, maybe it would have been better ?)

Miss High Priestess and Mr. Death had nothing to say so it was The World's turn :

« Recently, a new angel has joined the Evernight church. »

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