PART 5: It Began

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A few days passed since Mint began to work alongside War as an assistant, which made War's job easier. It was smoother for them to work together because that woman was a diligent worker who was also an amiable and easy-going person. She completed each work that War assigned her flawlessly and when there was something she was unsure of, she was not afraid to ask.

"This evening you have a meeting with a marketing department in Empire Wong's company, phi," Mint said while reading a note of War's schedule on her iPad.

"I got the information that the CEO will also be joining for today's meeting," she added.

"The CEO?" War furrowed as of course he knew who's the chief executive officer of Empire Wong's company. It's his own boyfriend!!!

'Why P'Yin also joined the meeting?' War monologue in his mind because according to plan work, the marketing department and the public relations executive are the only ones in today's meeting because they have a few matters to address before presenting to a higher executive regarding their partnership in the next meeting.

"Yeah, the CEO and marketing department will join the meeting," she answered and War nodded understanding, not wanting to ask more because perhaps Yin wanted to keep an eye on their work because War was aware of Yin's stringent work standards.

"There's no anything else, phi," she smiled and closed her iPad.

"Okay thank you."

"You can take this," War gave a box of cookies that he made this morning.

"Thank youuu, phi!!! You are very generous!!!"

"That's why I love working here," she smiled cheerfully and took the box.

"Most welcome. I don't know how it tastes but my boyfriend likes it," War said while beaming as even though it was his first time following the recipe that he just found on the Internet, Yin didn't stop complimenting him about how great the cookies were.

"It must taste really good, phiii. I can be sure of it," she replied.

"If there's nothing, can I go now, phi? I can't wait to eat these cookies," she grinned which made War chuckled as well.

"Okay, okay, you can go now."

"Thank you, phiiii."

Mint just walked a few steps when War called her again. "By the way, Mint"

"Yes, phi?"

"Follow me to today's meeting. I want you to get the experience," War said, flashing her a smile.

"Okay, phi," she bowed her body a little before coming out from the room.


As soon as Mint sat on her seat, she took out her phone and started to search for something on Google. When she finally got what she was looking for, her lips started to smile shyly as she confirmed that Yin was now the CEO of Empire Wong's company.

"Why do you look at Mr. Yin's picture?" Khim asked her. Khim was now her closer friend at work because Khim struck up a conversation with her initially on her first day of employment, which led to the beginning of their friendship. So, if everything she wasn't clear about, she would ask War, Khim or sometimes she also asked Folk.

"Do you know him?" Mint asked with gleaming eyes and turned her chair to face Khim who stood beside her.

"Are you crazy??? Of course everyone knows him. His company holds the largest part in our business and yeah, he's a gorgeous young CEO."

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