PART 37: Cast a Shadow

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Days continued to pass, each one marked by P'Yin's seemingly perpetual state of busyness. The table was laden with a plethora of unknown documents and papers that hinted at his relentless efforts. Sometimes, he would be engrossed in phone conversations as calls came in and out.

I never pressed about his endeavors, content in the solace of being in his arms again. The present was all that truly mattered. Being by his side again was an irreplaceable gift, one I treasured above all else.

Occasionally, P'Lee would also make his way to this place, stopping by for a visit. The exact conversations that unfolded between him and P'Yin remained a mystery to me but one thing was clear that their discussions always revolved around me and everything that happened.

Also, I was not sure who knew that my death was just a lie but I had overheard P'Yin's conversations with P'Folk and Nina over the phone a few days ago. The surprise and disbelief in their voices were palpable even from my distant vantage point. My 'resurrection,' if it could be called that, must have been a shock akin to witnessing the impossible unfold in front of their eyes.

P'Yin's care for me was unmistakable. His attentiveness extended to ensuring that I ate enough, received good rest and always checking the healing of my bruises. Yet, despite his devotion to my well being, I could not help but notice the marked change in his physical appearance. The weight he had lost was evident, a transformation that had begun the very day we met again. My heart ached at the sight, worried for his own well being.

While I longed to understand everything that happened during my absence, a sense of restraint held me back. It was clear that P'Yin carried a heavy burden, one that was etched not just on his face but in the depths of his eyes. I was torn between wanting to console him and fearing that dredging up those memories might only cause him more pain. So, for now, I chose to prioritize his peace of mind, focusing on the present moment rather than dwelling on the past that seemed to haunt us.

Slowly, I made my way towards the kitchen as P'Yin remained engrossed in a phone conversation, his attention divided between the call and perusing unfamiliar documents. It had been quite some time since I cooked for P'Yin and an idea blossomed in my mind. While he was preoccupied, I took the chance to check the kitchen, a small smile curling on my lips as I assessed the ingredients at hand. I had a plan in my mind, a plan to prepare a simple chicken fried rice dish for my boyfriend.

I began to gather the ingredients I needed. The rhythmic sounds of chopping, the soft hiss of the stove and the fragrant symphony that wafted through the air. P'Yin's voice continued to resonate in the background, his conversation still immersed in the ongoing call. My focus was centered on the task of crafting the meal.


"Baby." A voice shattered the silence, ringing with an undertone of concern. "What are you doing here?" P'Yin's voice held a hint of worry, his footsteps quickening as he walked towards me. His gaze shifted from me to the pan.

"I wanted to make something special for you, phi," I said softly, my lips curling into a gentle smile. "It's been quite a while since I last cooked for-"

But my sentence was cut short as P'Yin unexpectedly enveloped me in a tight embrace, leaving me momentarily taken aback. However, I quickly reciprocated the embrace.

"P'Yin, is everything alright?" Concern laced my voice as I questioned him, my worry genuine.

"Oh my God, baby. I got so worried when I didn't see you on the sofa," he admitted, his words coming out in a rush. "Please, promise me you will let me know before you go anywhere. I was so worried, baby," he continued, his breath a bit uneven as he struggled to calm the rapid rhythm of his heart.

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