PART 27: New Beginning

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As I held the approved visa in my hand, the reality of our impending journey settled upon me. It was hard to believe that the moment we had longed for was finally within our grasp. Our anniversary, a week away, would mark the beginning of a new chapter, an adventure for P'Yin and me forging our path, away from the interference of anyone else.

I turned my attention toward P'Yin, who drove the car. His presence, a constant source of strength and devotion, reinforced my belief in the choices we had made.

The thought of starting anew, away from the prying eyes and negative influences filled me with liberation. No longer would our happiness be tainted by the interference of those who sought to make us apart. We would be the architects of our own destiny, crafting a life that was authentically ours.

"We will move to New Zealand," I uttered and P'Yin smiled with my words. "We are really going to do this, P'Yin. We are going to start our lives together, just the two of us."

P'Yin held my hand and softly kissed it. A smile that filled with determination and love graced his lips. His eyes sparkled with devotion that mirrored my own. "We will, baby," he replied and gave a deep kiss on my hand. "We already have everything we need, visa, residence permit. It's just one more week and we will start our new chapter, just us," he said, making my smile grow wider and I leaned on his arm.

"I can't wait," I exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across my face. "Emm, can we have a dog later?" I asked, the excitement evident in my voice.

P'Yin's laughter filled the air, his eyes sparkling with affection. "You want it?" He replied, amusement dancing in his tone.

My excitement only grew as I nodded eagerly. "Yes! If you are okay with it, of course. Can I?"

He smiled warmly. "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, my baby. If having a dog brings you happiness, then I'm all for it."

My heart swelled with joy at his words and I couldn't help but hold his arm tighter in my embrace. "P'Yin is the most amazing and caring boyfriend. I'm so luckyyy," I muttered with happiness.

I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the love we shared, for the freedom to pursue our dreams and for the knowledge that we would face every challenge together. With P'Yin's love and caring nature by my side, there was no doubt that our journey would be filled with joy, love and the endless devotion.


Fiat sat across from me in the cozy cafe, his eyes widening in shock as I told him about my decision with P'Yin to move to New Zealand. With a mix of surprise and concern, he listened intently as I recounted the events that had led us to this decision.

"But are you both truly certain about this, War? Aren't you just running away from the problems?" Fiat questioned, concerned about etching his face.

Despite his probing, a faint smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "I am," I replied. "For so long, I held onto the hope that I could win over P'Yin's parents, that I could somehow change their mind of me. It's been almost eight years, Fiat. Eight years and throughout that time..." I let out a soft sigh. "Their hate toward me has only grown bigger."

I paused, my voice catching in my throat as emotions surged within me. "Yes, it's selfish of me to make P'Yin left his parents behind because of me. But I...I simply can't imagine a life without him, Fiat," I confessed, a tear slipping down my cheek. "I love him so much..."

The weight of my words hung in the air, heavy with the bittersweet truth that had plagued me.

"War, love is never selfish," Fiat spoke gently. "Sometimes, we must make difficult choices to protect the happiness we have found. Your situation now, I can understand that you both made this decision to carve a path that allows your love to thrive, unhindered by the toxicity that surrounds you."

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