PART 32: Unyielding Belief

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"Seriously, Folk? Are you kidding me?" Prom exclaimed with a mix of disbelief and exasperation. "You told Yin that you are going to help him find War? We have already seen with our own eyes that War died in that accident!"

They were now at the restaurant. The frustration in Prom's voice was evident as he struggled to comprehend why Folk would offer hope to Yin, knowing full well the painful reality of War's death.

Prom sighed. "Folk, I know you mean well but this is not the time for fake hope," Prom continued. "We need to come to terms with what happened. War is gone and we must find a way to support Yin through this difficult time, not put hope in him that War is alive. It will make things worse."

Folk released a deep, burdensome exhale, his hand sweeping across his face with an air of frustration before turning his eyes back to his friend. "Prom, I'm left with no options here," he said. "Every single day since the accident, I have been by Yin's side, hoping to see signs of improvement but it's just not happening. He keeps asking for War, minute after minute as if he's completely disregarding his own well-being. How can I bear witness to him neglecting himself like this?"

"His parents? They don't give a fuck about him, Prom. Every time they visited him, they only urged him to continue work. That's the only thing they will talk about."

"And..." Folk stopped and closed his eyes for a moment before opening his mouth again. "I think something is not right," he murmured, letting out a sigh.

"What do you mean?" Prom inquired.


Prom furrowed his brow as he observed the silent expression on Folk's face. "Do you mean to say that you also believe that War is still alive?" Prom inquired, his voice tinged with confusion.


"Folk? Are you kidding me? What's the damn wrong with you?" Prom muttered with frustration. "We are the one who handle his funeral, Folk. Why you—"

"No, it's not that. It's not about that," Folk murmured with exasperation as he clutched his hair in frustration before continuing. "Don't you sense the suspicion in how Yin's parents appeared to show concern for War on that day? They were with the doctor all the time. And then, unexpectedly, they offered to cover all the funeral expenses. It's goddamn strange, Prom. They have never give a fuck about War before."

Folk released a deep, his emotions intertwining with his words, revealing the complexity of the situation. "They were always harsh to War before the accident. It's like they had no connection to him, no reason to be involved," Folk continued, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "But that day, they were acting like they care deeply and I can't shake the feeling that something's not right, Prom."

Folk's words weighed heavily upon the atmosphere, casting an aura of uncertainty around himself as if a solemn shroud had descended upon the space. It was as if a veil of doubt had been lifted, revealing a hidden aspect of the situation that had eluded.

"It's possible that they're experiencing guilt, Folk," Prom explained. "Sometimes, tragic events can bring about a change in people's perspectives and emotions. Maybe they regret not having been closer to War before and now they are trying to make amends in their own way."

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