PART 39: Side By Side

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The clock had already struck 10 am and I had been awake for an hour, my eyes fixed on my peacefully slumbering boyfriend. My fingers gently roamed across his unblemished skin, tracing the marks I had left there, a soft smile gracing my lips. As I stared at him now, a profound happiness enveloped me, a feeling that transcended words.

The memory of those seven torturous months without War flashed through my mind. It had been a living hell, a time filled with despair and longing. But with him back by my side, it felt as though I had been granted a second chance at life, a precious opportunity to bask in the heavenly embrace of his love once more.

I gently encircled War with my arm, drawing him closer to me. I planted a tender kiss upon his forehead and his lips then traversed to caress his cheek. As always, his scent was utterly irresistible, a fragrance that left me utterly captivated.

Succumbing to the allure, I pressed a gentle kiss atop his nose. He emitted an endearing sound before drifting back into slumber, his peacefulness washing over me and lulling me into a tranquil state.

As I gingerly peered beneath the blanket, a sensation of craziness washed over me. Was I some sort of insatiable creature? We had indulged in countless rounds of passion the last night and yet here I was, my lower half stirring to life once more! It was as though my body had forged an unquenchable connection to my beloved, an addiction that defied reason and left me in bewildered awe.

Well, I proudly said I love my baby too much.

I reached for the air conditioning remote, lowering the temperature. Slowly, I removed the soft blanket that had been covering our naked bodies. My heart raced as I looked at War's alluring body, He instinctively nuzzled closer, his proximity sending my heart racing. In an instant, I draped the blanket back over his body, attempting to regain control over my desires. My breaths came in shallow gasps and my cheeks flushed with a rising heat.

'Yin, get a grip on yourself!' I reminded myself, mindful of how I already pushed my baby too much last night. I had lost count of how many times we had come together but one thing was clear, I could never and ever satiate my hunger for him. I love him so much and I just could never get enough of him.

Sometimes, I questioned whether I was merely caught in a beautiful dream, the surreal feeling of having War back in my arms. But the reality of our lovemaking last night had dispelled all doubts. My baby, my beloved War, was indeed here with me again and the truth washed over me like a wave of euphoria.

I nuzzled my face into War's neck, savoring the intoxicating aroma that enveloped me. Initially, I had intended to remain in that embrace for a brief moment but his alluring scent beckoned me further. Unable to resist, I delved deeper into the curve of his neck. My lips began to caress and my tongue tracing patterns of his skin while I deftly maneuvered one of his legs on top of me, positioning us perfectly, so that our arousal pressed together in an electrifying embrace.

My attention remained devoted to the tender skin of his neck, where I continued to lavish it with a series of tantalizing bites and lingering suckling. The sensation was so consuming that I lost myself in the moment.

A soft moan escaped from War's lips, a sound that only served to fuel the fire. "Umph...P'Yin..."


My thoughts swirled in a hazy frenzy and I pressed our lips in a sudden kiss, catching him off guard as if he needed a moment to process what was happening. A whimper escaped his mouth, a sound that ignited an insatiable hunger. I kissed him hungrily, pouring every ounce of my passion into the kiss. My teeth grazed his lower lip with a gentle nip, eliciting a soft gasp from him. His mouth parted, granting me access to explore the depths of his taste. The sensation was addicting as if he was like a delectable candy I never wanted to stop savoring.

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