PART 29: The Reality

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When I slowly opened my eyes, my surroundings seemed hazy and unfamiliar. The sterile scent of disinfectants permeated the air and the soft hum of medical equipment filled the room. Blinking my eyes, I realized I was lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by white walls adorned with colorful get well cards and bouquets of flowers.

A surge of confusion washed over me as fragmented memories of the car explosion flooded back into my mind. Panic clutched at my heart as I frantically searched for any signs of my boyfriend's presence. The last thing I remembered was his life hanging in the balance, trapped within that fiery catastrophe.

Summoning the strength to speak, my voice emerged as a mere whisper. "Where is he? Where is my boyfriend?" I asked weakly.

"Yin? Oh my God, are you awake?!" Mom said. Without wasting a moment, dad sprang into action, reaching for the nearby nurse call button and urgently summoning medical assistance.

Within moments, a doctor hurriedly entered the room, his professional demeanor a reassuring presence amidst the chaos of my thoughts. He approached my bedside and began to assess my condition, asking questions about my level of pain and any memory loss I might have experienced.

"Where is War? He's fine, right?" I asked, ignoring the doctor's question about my condition.

A tense silence filled the room as my parents exchanged glances. Their reluctance to respond amplified my growing panic, pushing me to the edge of frustration.

"Sir, please, you need—"

"What happened? Where is my boyfriend? Is he okay?" I anxiously questioned, my voice trembling with a blend of fear and anticipation. Yet, still, to my dismay, neither of them offered a response.

"Please, somebody tell me what's going on! I need to know that he's fine!" I exclaimed, my desperation escalating. Each passing second without a reply only fueled my growing agitation. My voice grew louder, more insistent as if my words could somehow summon the answers I desperately sought.

"Where is my boyfriend?!" Unleashing a torrent of distress, I continued to shout, my voice a desperate cry echoing throughout the hospital corridors. It was in that moment of emotional turmoil that several nurses rushed to my side, their firm touch aimed at restraining me and preventing any harm to myself or others.

"Please, sir, try to take a deep breath," the doctor responded gently. "I understand this may be confusing for you but it's crucial to remain calm. You have been through a traumatic experience. In fact, you were in a coma for a month."

My brows furrowed, disbelief etching its way across my face. "A coma? No-no, that can't be true! I was just with my boyfriend in the car this morning and..and the accident happened. Tell me, where is he? Where is War?" My voice quivered.

Silence enveloped the room as I turned to seek answers from my parents. Their expressions became somber and their eyes avoided meeting mine. My heart raced and a knot formed in my stomach, a sinking feeling beginning to consume me.

"Mom, Dad," I implored, my voice trembling. "Please, tell me where my boyfriend is? I-I want to meet him...I want to meet War. Bring me to him," I pleaded.

My mom's tears welling up in her eyes, finally spoke, her voice choked with sorrow. "Sweetheart, I...I'm so sorry. War didn't make it. He...he didn't survive the accident."

The words crashed upon me like a tidal wave, shattering my world into a million fragments. It felt as though time stood still, the room closing in around me, suffocating my every breath. The pain surged through me and a cry of anguish escaped my lips. "No! No, it can't be true! You're lying!" I wept uncontrollably, my heart shattered into irreparable pieces.

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