2: When I Met Him

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Somehow I was able to avoid all of Kenzie's questions about my father

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Somehow I was able to avoid all of Kenzie's questions about my father... Even though we share all 3 classes before lunch.

That is until when we went outside because we didn't want to eat lunch and I needed a cigarette.

I didn't want to be around people just staring at me. Like they knew me. Or they wanted to get with me.

We walked around the building to the back steps where we always went. I pulled the pack out of my purse and she handed me her lighter. I pulled out a cigarette and put it in my mouth, as I lit it she reached over and grabbed it from my lips and I grabbed another one out of the pack.

I took a long drag as I lit it. I handed her back her lighter and she said "So what happened?"

I just sat there for a minute, she tapped me on the shoulder.

I finally sighed and told her what happened.

I knew she'd get it out of me eventually.

She stayed silent and listened to every word I said. Until I got to the part where he tripped and hit his face she started laughing uncontrollably. "Good he deserved that. "

I couldn't help but chuckle. She wasn't wrong. "Then after I got out of my chair and started sliding along the wall to the doorway. I looked up at him. His eyes met mine and he just ran after me, I couldn't do anything, I just held my breath as he shoved me in to the wall." I said.

"You should have kicked him in his dick." She laughed.

I turned to look at her. "You really think he'd let me?" I questioned.

"I don't think he'd have a choice." She laughed.

"Why was he out drinking anyway? Did he forget about the dinner he planned?" She asked.

"I'm not sure what his reasoning behind it was, he hadn't been home in days. I'm really surprised he even to showed up."

It was silent for a while, I looked down at my shaking hand, halfway done with my cigarette.

I need a drink.

I chuckled. "Anyway, once he was in my face I couldn't look at him, I didn't know what to say or do. I was in shock he was acting this way in front of other people, especially his brother. And I knew he was going to blame me. Even though I was on the other side of the room when he tripped. Over his own foot. He just smirked a little then he raised his arm as I turned my head to try to get away he smacked me. Then I heard my aunt screaming at my uncle to stop him. Before my uncle made it to us my father balled up his fist and swung at me causing this lovely black eye." I pointed towards my eye, trying not to have a panic attack from reliving everything that happened.

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