34: Police Station

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When we got to my house it was almost 8 o'clock

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When we got to my house it was almost 8 o'clock. We had already stopped on the way home to get food.

My uncle's car was in the driveway and I had forgotten they were still here. Since I never put my shoes or bra back on, I just grabbed them in my hand along with my purse and we walked up to the front door.

I dug my key out and unlocked the door. When I pushed it open Zion smacked my ass making me squeal suddenly.

He laughed and wrapped his arm over my shoulder, pulling my face into his chest. He pressed a small kiss to the top of my head.

"There you guys are. I've been calling you." My aunt said walking in from the kitchen.

"Sorry, we went swimming, then my phone died." I said.

"Swimming? This late?"

Zion and I both laughed. And walked into the living room.

"I know a place." Zion said.

"Sounds cute." My aunt smirked. "Did you eat yet? There's leftovers."

"We stopped to get food on the way home." I said.

She nodded.

"Where's uncle Henry?"

"Upstairs on the phone with someone from work."

"Do you know when he'll be done? I need to tell him something about tomorrow."

"I don't know. Sometimes it's minutes sometimes it's hours." She shrugged.

"I'll just tell him in the morning, I want to take a shower." I said.

"Okay dear. Goodnight." She said walking back to the kitchen.

I grabbed Zion's hand and pulled him upstairs to my room.

"Shower with me?" I ask closing the bedroom door.

"How am I supposed to say no?" He asked.

I stripped my clothes off my body, throwing them into a pile on my floor. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

I was about to step in when Zion walked in the bathroom naked. With a condom in his hand.

This man has the sex drive of a teenager.

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