19: Questions/Girlfriend

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~Wednesday ~

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Sierra fell asleep on the way back to her house. And I didn't want to wake her so I just drove to my house instead and carried her inside. Placing her in my bed.

I'm in the kitchen making something to eat when I hear her footsteps coming down the hall. I glanced at the time on the microwave.


"Hi." She said softly.


"A little." She said sitting down at the island.

"I'm making grilled chicken sandwichs." I smile.

"I was confused about where I was when I first woke up." She chuckled.

"Oh yeah I didn't want to wake you up to ask for your keys, and I didn't want to dig through your purse either. So I just brought you here."

"Thank you." She said smiling.

I slid a plate over to her and sat down next to her and we both started eating.

"Can we go swimming? Back to that place?" She said breaking the silence.

I looked at her with wide eyes. "Yeah of course. When do you want to go?"

"Now? Like after we eat."

"Oh yeah, we can. Do you want to go by your house to change first?"

"Mhmm." She said taking a bite.

We sat in silence while we ate, glancing at each other the whole time. When I took the last bite of my chicken sandwich, I got up to put my plate into the sink.

"I'm gonna go change and then we can go." I said walking out of the kitchen to my room.

" I said walking out of the kitchen to my room

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