4: I Hate This School

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~Tuesday ~✿

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I woke up and rolled to check the time.


Why can't I ever sleep all night?

I rolled out of bed with a groan and walked into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth while taking in my reflection. My black curly hair was all over the place since I fell asleep with it wet. I ran my finger through it the best I could.

I really didn't want to go to school today, but I knew I had to. Kenzie would kill me.

I did my makeup and made sure my bruises were covered. Luckily they were fading pretty fast. My black eye was mostly yellow and gone by now. My cheek was still a light purple though. And my lip had mostly healed.

I was walking over to my closet when I heard thunder. "Ughhhh not today." I yelled throwing my head back.

I threw on a pair of high waisted skinny jeans then a t-shirt and blue hoodie. Rainy days mean I don't have to dress up.

I walked over to my phone on my bed to text Kenzie, but she had already beaten me to it.

KenzieKenz: Good morning beautiful, it's raining so I'm coming to get you today. I'm leaving now.

Sierra: You're the best! I'll be ready.

I threw my phone in my back pocket and put on my black vans, then picked my bag and up off the floor.

Once, I got out of my room and started going down the stairs, I could hear whispers. I threw my hands in the air and leaned my head back. They're awake, great.

"Morning." I said before I even turned the corner so they knew I was here.

"Good morning sweetheart." My Aunt Stacy said.

"Do you need a ride to school since it's raining." My uncle asked.

"No my friend is already on her way." I said grabbing my keys from the hook.

I watched my aunt whisper something to him then gave him a small shove towards me. "So kiddo, we wanted to talk to you about something." Uncle Henry finally said.

"Great, just great." I mumbled to myself before looking at them.

"I got a call from the rehab last night and your dad will not be back for a while. He has to stay there for at least 3 months." Uncle Henry said.

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