25: Zion's mom

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When I pulled up to Sierra's house she was sitting on the steps smoking a cigarette

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When I pulled up to Sierra's house she was sitting on the steps smoking a cigarette. Like she always does when I pick her up.

"You look stunning." I said as I made my way towards her.

She giggled and rose to her feet. "You look good too."

I looked down at my jeans and black button up I was wearing. I had rolled the sleeves up to my elbows to show off my tattoos.

"Let me get my bags." She smiled and walked up the steps.

When she came back outside, she was struggling to hold three bags and lock the door.

I laughed and walked up the steps, taking her backpack and the duffle bag from her.

We walked down the driveway and I opened her door for her. She lowered herself into the seat and put her purse in the floor board.

"You have to give me some pointers on your mom. I'm so nervous."

"Don't be nervous baby. She's going to love you." I smiled at her, before closing the door for her.

I walked around the car and opened my door. I threw her bags in the back behind my seat.

"You're jacket is still in my backseat." I said getting in my seat.

She turned around. "I've been looking for that." She grabbed the black leather jacket and put it on.

I put the car in reverse and handed her my unlocked phone.

It took her a while to find a song. We've already been driving for 5 minutes in silence.

Baby, baby blue eyes
Stay with me by my side
'Til the mornin', through the night (can't get you out of my mind)
Well baby
Stand here, holdin' my sides
Close your baby blue eyes
Every moment feels right
And I may feel like a fool
But I'm the only one, dancin' with you
Oh oh oh oh
Can't get you out of mind
I swear, I've been there
I swear, I've done that
I'll do whatever it takes, to see those
Baby, baby blue eyes
Stay with me by my side
'Til the mornin', through the night (can't get you out of my mind)
Baby, stand here, holdin' my sides
Close your baby blue eyes
Every moment feels right
And I may feel like a fool
But I'm the only one, dancin' with those

I was listening to the words with a smile on my face. "What song is this?" I asked.

"Baby Blue Eyes by A Rocket to the Moon. Definitely one of my new favorite songs." She smiled.

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