6: Football Game

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Even though I don't want to. I've been going to school but I'm really not happy about it. The days have been dragging on and I feel numb.

Except for my thoughts.

They do not stop.

I've been laying on the floor in the living room staring at the ceiling fan spinning above me, since I got home from school at 3:30. I walked in the house, grabbed a bottle of vodka and laid on the floor. Trying to distract myself as much as possible from everything in my head.

Kenzie called me last night right before I fell asleep. Begging me to go to her brother Zack's football game at the college with her tonight.

I told her no, but she wouldn't leave me alone all day at school until I finally agreed.

I glanced at the clock on the wall.


I pulled myself to my feet with a loud groan and walked upstairs to my bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I went back downstairs I  grabbed my cigarettes and lighter from the table by the front door. Along with my keys and phone, before walking out on the front porch and locking the door behind me. It rained this morning but now the sun's out and it's humid.

I lit a cigarette and shoved everything in my hoodie pocket and started walking down the street.

I only made it a block before my phone started ringing in my pocket.

"Hello." I answered.

"Where are you?" Kenzie asked.

"I just left."

"Oh my god you still have 8 blocks! I'm coming to get you." She yelled and hung up.

I laughed and shoved my phone in my pocket. I kept walking until I saw Kenzie's car coming down the road. She pulled up next to me and I got in the passenger seat. And we sped off towards the college.

I look over at Kenzie who's biting her nails while driving. "Why are you so nervous?"

"It's nothing. Just excited for tonight."

"You hate football." I reminded her.

"I don't hate football, I just don't understand it that well."

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