20: Another football game

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~Friday ~

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Zion talked me into going to his football game tonight.

Honestly it wasn't that hard. All he did was ask, and I agreed. Plus what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't go.

Kenzie has a date with Carter tonight so she's not going to be there. And I wish I would have known before I agreed to go. Because I'd rather stay home.

But then Zion said I could stay at his house tonight if I came.

So here I am, sitting in the front row of the bleachers while I watch all the players on the field, get tackled to the ground.

I know nothing about football, and even though Zion has told me plenty of times what position he plays, I can never remember. I just know he stays on the outside before the ball gets thrown around.

There's 3 minutes left before the game is over. The score was close throughout the game and I thought we were going to lose at one point.

But luckily we finally got a few points ahead making the score 22-18.

The entire crowd erupted into cheers as Zack ran across the field with the ball to make a touchdown.

He was at the twenty yard line when a player from the other team, that was twice his size tackled him to the ground.

The whole crowd gasped and stood up. I grabbed the rail in front of me and leaned over to get a better look.

The buzzer on the score board went off, scaring the shit out of everyone. Including myself.

I couldn't see if Zack stood back up or not. The players were huddling around him, and medics we're running onto the field. I kept looking for Zion's jersey but I couldn't see him either.

I started walking across the bleachers closer to the locker rooms where I could see better.

I finally saw Zion taking his helmet and walking across the field with the rest of the team. Our eyes locked and he shook his head. I looked behind him as they loaded Zack onto a stretcher.

The team made it off the field and we're standing on the outer track watching the medics roll Zack off the field.

I was leaning over the fence when the team started walking into the locker room.

"Baby, you need to call Kenzie. I'll meet you at the car." He yelled at me, before following the rest of the team to the locker room.

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