10: A date?

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(A/N) This chapter goes into detail about Sierra's past, including detailed abuse from her father.

If this subject triggers you in some way, and you don't want to read please skip the parts marked with ***


*Trigger Warning*

My dad hasn't been home in almost a week. No texts. No calls. I've tried to call him but he doesn't answer. And when I called his job they said he took time off.

I'm in the kitchen watching Tiktoks on my phone while my pizza is cooking in the oven.

My phone starts ringing.

"Hey Uncle Henry. What's up?" I asked. Holding the phone to my ear.

"Hey sweetie, I've been trying to get ahold of your dad. Is he around?" He asks.

"Nope. Vacation." I said flatly.

"Vacation? I didn't know he was going anywhere."

"Yeah, neither did I." I laughed.

"I sent something to him a few days ago. Do you know if he got it?"

"He's been gone all week."

"A week?"

"Yep." I popped the p.

There was silence through the phone then I heard a sigh. "Can you go check the mail and see if there's a yellow envelope from me?"

I walked over to the desk near the front door where I had been piling all the mail. I used my shoulder to hold the phone to my ear. And then flipped through the stack until I saw the envelope he was talking about. It was almost at the bottom. It was thick, and heavy. I lifted it out of the stack and sat it on the top of the pile.

"It's here." I said, in to the phone.

"Make sure your dad gets that when he gets home. It's very important." He said as I walked back into the kitchen.

"Mhmm will do Uncle Henry, I gotta go. Byeeee." And I hung up.

I pulled my, now crispy pizza out of the oven and sat down at the counter to eat it. I picked up a piece, about to take a bite when I heard the front door close. I froze. My heart jumped. And I dropped the piece of pizza down.

"Sierra!" His voice echoed through the house.

"In here." I said shakily.

He walked into the kitchen making eye contact with me. Then he turned and went over to the fridge and grabbed a beer.

"Give me that." He pointed to my plate.

I picked it up and put it in his hand and he walked out. I heard the TV click on. I got up from my seat and slowly made my way out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room. To get as far away from him as I could.

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