15: Hospital Visit

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We were laying in Zion's room cuddling while watching some movie when I heard my phone ring for the millionth time since I got here

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We were laying in Zion's room cuddling while watching some movie when I heard my phone ring for the millionth time since I got here. I crawled off the bed to grab it from my purse. By the time I picked it up it had stopped ringing.

"Your dad again?" I hear Zion ask. He started calling me again after I left.

"Yeah, I just wish he'd leave me alone. Especially after what he did to me." I say as I drop my phone back into my purse.

"I know, baby." Zion says wrapping his arms around me pulling me back to him.

I had finally put my father behind me while he was in rehab. My life finally felt normal. Going on a date. Hanging with my friends. And now he's trying to suck me back in. Why can't he just leave me alone.

"Can you look at my side for me? It hurts really bad." I say trying to lift my shirt up. My whole body was sore.

He pulled my shirt up to my shoulder. "Oh shit. That doesn't look very good."

"How bad is it?" I asked. Trying to look down at it.

"It kinda looks like, uhhh I don't know, maybe a shoe print?" He cocked his head and clenched his jaw.

"Yeah it is." I say laying back against the pillows.

He got up from the bed and left the room. When he walked back in he had something in his hand.

"My mom brought this home from the hospital, since I always get bruises from playing football." He said.

He lifted my shirt and gently rubbed the cream over the bruise on my back and a little on my face and neck.

Then he laid down next to me. Pulling me into his arms. The TV was playing in the background.

Zion started running his fingers through my hair and I closed my eyes.


I sat up really fast. Breathing heavily. Covered in sweat. I started whipping my head in all directions trying to figure out where I was. My eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness.

I felt arms wrap around me. "Shhhh, baby it's okay. I got you." Zion said in a sleepy voice.

Tears started to fill my eyes.

"What time is it." I asked in a panicked voice.

He leaned over and checked his phone. The light lit up the whole room. "It's almost 3."

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