27: Eric and Kaitlynn

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(A/N) This chapter could be triggering to some people.

Men trying to abuse their strength to force women.

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By the time Zion dropped me off for school it was in the middle of a class, then after was lunch.

So I walked around the back of the building to my usual steps and pulled out a cigarette and my phone. After I lit my cigarette I decided I'd call my Aunt Stacy back to check in.

It rang 4 times then she answered. "Hey."

"Hey sorry I missed your call this morning. I overslept a little bit."

Lie. But whatever.

"You're still going to school right?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes and took a long drag of my cigarette. "Yep. I'm here right now, it's almost lunch so that's why I figured I'd call you back."

"Well I'm glad you called. Depending on when Henry gets off work. We'll either be there tonight or tomorrow afternoon."

The bell rang signalling lunch time. I rose to my feet and started walking back around the building.

"Okay, let me know when you guys will be getting in and I'll make sure I'm there." I threw my cigarette on the ground and stomped on it.

"That's fine dear. I'll let you know when we leave. Have a great day at school." And she hung up.

I opened the door to the cafeteria and walked in looking around for Kenzie. I could feel stares coming from somewhere in the cafeteria, but I ignored it, going straight to the table Kenzie was sitting at playing on her phone.

I cleared my throat and she looked up at me. "Oh there you are. And look at you glowing like that. Who's got you so happy?"

"You know who." I poked her nose and sat down next to her.

She pulled me into a hug. "I fucking miss you bitch."

"I know, but you're always with Carter and I'm with Zion. We need a girls day."

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