32: Kenzie's drunk phone call

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~Sunday ~

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A faint ringing pulled me from my sleep. And I couldn't get up to turn it off because Zion's arms were still gripped tightly around me. And the room was still dark, so I knew it wasn't morning yet. I started wiggling around making him let me go.

By the time I pulled myself from the blankets, the phone had stopped ringing. I walked to where I assumed the ringing came from and fumbled around on my dresser until my hand came into contact with my phone.

I clicked the lock button on the side, only be be blinded by the light when it lit up. I squinted my eyes to see who called, when it started ringing again and Kenzie's name popped up on my screen.

I hit the green button and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Sierraaaaaa." Kenzie slurred out.

Ah drunk Kenzie. She's always so nice.


"I've missed youuuu." She sang.

I chuckled. "Are you drunk?"

I walked into the bathroom leaving the lights off and sat on the counter. Letting my legs dangle off the edge.

"Yes I am. Do you know what time it is?" She asked me.

Like I called and woke her up in the middle of the night.

"What? No. You called me." I said then pulled my phone from my face to check the time.


"Well I figured you'd be awake."

"Well, I wasn't. It's 2 in the morning and I've had a pretty rough couple of days, all I want to do is sleep."

"Oh sleep with Zion?" She laughed.

"Girl." I gasped.

"Oh tell me all the dirty things. Pleaaseee. Carter and I got into an argument the other day so I'm not having any sex right now. And I miss our best friend talks. I miss you."

"I miss you too. Talk to me about Carter then."

"No it'll ruin my buzz. Then I'll be sad. And I don't want that. Tell me all about Zion. I bet he's great in bed, he looks like he would be rough. But not like Carter. Carter's so gentle and caring. Ugh I miss him and I really need to get laid. Maybe I should call and apologize. Wait. No it was his fault for talking to that girl at that party. He should apologize to me. I think he's been trying but I've been ignoring his calls and texts. Oops. What do you think? Should I just call him?"

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