22: After movie

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After we went through the drive thru and got food we sat in the parking lot and ate

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After we went through the drive thru and got food we sat in the parking lot and ate.

I didn't even want to eat. I just wanted a fucking drink.

Zion was telling me more stories about the football team.

I couldn't even focus. I just kept nodding when he looked at me. My body was trying to fight my mind through the cravings and all I could think about was the bottle of vodka on my nightstand.

I just wanted to go back to his house so I could just sleep through these cravings.

Because I don't want it. I hate it now.

I fight myself so hard. But every day just kept getting harder and harder to resist.

On the drive home my hands started to shake really bad in my lap. I tucked my fingers into my sleeves and tried to hide it from Zion the best I could. Luckily it's dark. So I don't think he saw.

I kept my eyes closed most of the way home after that. Just trying to stay relaxed so I don't freak out.

The car came to a stop and Zion turned it off. I opened my eyes and my house was right in front of me.


"I thought we were going to your house?" I asked confused.

"I think my mom is coming home sometime in the morning and I want you all to myself tonight." He said getting out of the car. And I reached for my purse behind the seat.

I got out of the car digging for my keys in my purse. My hands were shaking so bad I could hardly grip them to unlock the front door.

"Are you okay?" Zion asked behind me.

"Yeah." I said rushing over to the stairs.

While Zion stayed behind and closed the door. I ran up the stairs to my room and immediately grabbed the bottle before he could see it and put it in my closet under my pile of jackets.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Zion asked, walking into my room, just as I walked out of the closet.

"Yes I just wanted to take a shower." I say digging through my dresser for some clothes. I walked back into my closet and grabbed a shirt and towel. I grabbed the bottle and wrapped it in my towel and walked straight into the bathroom ignoring Zion sitting on my bed.

As soon as I closed the door, the tears I'd been holding back rolled down my face. I put my clothes on the counter. Unwrapping the bottle and setting it on the counter.

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