26: Morning Delight

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~Friday ~

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Ughhhh turn it off." I groaned and covered my head with the pillow, when the beeping stopped.

I didn't sleep at all last night. I tried but I kept waking up trying to figure out how to tell everyone I started drinking again.

I laid there until I was almost back to sleep when I felt Zion slip his hand under the end of my shirt. Caressing my side.

"I'm sleeping." I groaned.

"Sounds like you're awake." I couldn't see him. But I bet there was a smirk on his face.

"I'm really not." I whined.

He pulled the blanket down to my waist and lifted the bottom of my shirt. Pressing his lips to my exposed skin.

"I bet you taste so good first thing in the morning." He said in a very sexy voice.

Oh what?

I lifted the pillow off my face and looked down at him with wide eyes. Only to close my eyes tightly because the sunlight entering the room blinded me.

"Ugh what the fuck. Why is it so bright?" I groaned and finally sat up. "And why are you so awake?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

He laughed. "My mom woke me up before she left."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Just talking about my brother coming to town this weekend." He said.

I fumbled around at the end of the bed for my phone. Checking the time.


I groaned and threw myself back on the pillows. "It's to early. And I don't even want to go to school."

"I don't have a class until 11. But you need to go to school. You've missed so much already baby."

I could feel the tears prickling in my eyes. "I know." I said my voice cracking.

I don't ever want to go back there.

"No don't cry baby. How about you stay with me till I go to class and I'll drop you off then? You can just be late today."

I nodded. And he laid down next to me.

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