28: I love you

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~Friday ~

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I got up from Zion's lap at the same time Eric stood up. I walked over to him and he wrapped me in his arms and I started sobbing. I felt Kaitlynn wrap her arms around both of us and I just stood there, soaking in everything they just said to me.

They were right.

"I love you guys." I said as I loosened my grip around Eric.

"We love you too." They said at the same time. Then pulled away.

"Okay well. I need to smoke a blunt after that. You guys?" He pointed towards me and I turned to look at Zion. We both nodded at the same time.

Eric and Kaitlynn walked back inside and I walked back over towards Zion, grabbing my purse to get a cigarette. After lighting it, I sat back on Zion's lap and he pulled my head onto his shoulder.

"How are you feeling after all that?" He asked me.

I took a long drag off my cigarette trying to think of what to say and he pulled it from my fingers.

"A lot better now that I told them. We may not be related by blood but they are my family. And I love them. I'm glad I finally told them." I said and he nodded.

Eric and Kaitlynn walked back outside and Zion and I rose to our feet. Kaitlynn grabbed ahold of me and pulled me into another hug.

"I see the way you guys look at each other. That man loves you. And I think you love him too." She whispered in my ear before pulling away.


I couldn't even focus on the conversation that was going on while we smoked together. I kept thinking about what Kaitlynn said.

Does he really love me?

Shit. Do I love him?

I was pulled from my thoughts by my phone dinging in my pocket.

Aunt Stacy: Not going to make it tonight. We will be heading out in the morning. Text you when we're close.

Sierra: Okay. Drive safe.

"Baby?" Zion asked. I looked up from my phone and saw everyone staring at me.

"What?" I question.

"Did something happen? You looked upset."

"No it was just my Aunt saying they will be here tomorrow." I put my phone back in my pocket. "Can we go?"

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