7: Breakfast

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(A/N) This chapter finally has Zion's POV! Enjoy!

(A/N) This chapter finally has Zion's POV! Enjoy!

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The morning after the football game. I actually woke up in a good mood. I ate breakfast and manic cleaned the whole house.

Then I got bored, so I drank the rest of the day. Until I passed out in my shower covered in my own throw up.

When I woke up Sunday morning I couldn't even get up off the shower floor. My body hurt so bad and I had to lay there covered in puke, with a horrible hangover. And the smell made me want to puke again.

I cried the whole time.

Then I was finally able to push myself off the floor to turn the shower on. And I just kept crying.

So now I'm trying to avoid everyone. Because I want to quit drinking again.

I just can't do it anymore.

I feel bad for lying to everyone.

And I don't want to wake up like that again.

I threw up all day Sunday. Every time I threw up I'd drink some water, and then I'd throw it back up.

I know it sounds stupid, but I hate dry heaving. So I'd rather have something to throw up instead of dry heaving all day.

After I finally stopped throwing up, I forced myself to take another shower, and go to bed.

Then I slept for 18 hours straight.

When I woke up and it was Monday and already dark outside. So I just stayed in bed.

And I haven't gotten up since.

I missed school yesterday because I couldn't physically get myself to get out of bed.

I felt so defeated.

I've hardly slept since then, just a few hours here and there. I mostly just stare at the ceiling. Or look out the window near my bed.

I finally fell asleep around 10:30 last night after laying in bed all day, well that was the last time I read the clock anyway. I'm not really sure when I fell asleep.

And I'm not even sure when I woke up this morning. I haven't even opened my eyes yet to look at the clock.

I just let the thoughts back in to my head. Until everything went dark.

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