11: Where are you taking me?

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~Saturday ~

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When I pulled into her driveway she was sitting on the steps smoking a cigarette with her phone in her hand. 

The bandana on her head and the top she was wearing, are both my favorite color.

And she looks absolutely stunning in that color.

"Good morning!" I yelled, getting out of the car.

She smiled. "Good morning."

"How are you feeling today? I asked.

"Better. I wasn't sure what kind of shoes to wear, just in case we go hiking again." She laughed.

I looked down to see that she was barefoot. And her toes were painted black.

"No hiking today pretty girl, wear whatever you'd like." I replied.

A smile appeared on her face and she got up and went inside.

When she came back out she was carrying a jacket and her purse. And was now wearing a pair of black wedges that made her legs look great.

She pulled the front door closed and I reached out for her hand when she came down the steps.

When she grabbed my hand I kissed the top of hers and she smiled really big. I intertwined her fingers in mine as we walked down the driveway to my car. I opened up her door so she could get in.

Then I walked around to my side.

"So what do you have planned for today?" She asked as I got in.

"It's all a surprise, you'll just have to wait and see. Have you eaten?" I asked.

"I don't eat breakfast." She smiled.

"Just because you don't eat breakfast doesn't mean you're not hungry. So are you hungry?" I asked again.

"I guess I could eat." She shrugged her shoulders.

I unlocked my phone and handed it over to her to pick a song. I put the car in reverse and started to back out of her driveway.

'Smile by Uncle Cracker' started playing.


"Are you going to get the same thing you got last time?" I asked, as I flipped through the menu.

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