5: Guess Who

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~Sierra Wednesday~✿

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My aunt and uncle left yesterday when I got home from school.

And that's fine by me. I'd rather be alone.

Sad and depressed.

And all alone.


I opened the oven door and pulled out my pizza and put it on my plate.

It's Wednesday and I should be at school right now. But I woke up late this morning because I drank to much last night, then couldn't fall asleep.

It's only 10:30 and since I don't think I've eaten in 2 days, and I'm already late. I decided to make a frozen pizza before I leave for school. Since I know I won't eat the shitty school food.

The smell of the pizza is making me gag. And it was almost impossible to finish.

But I did.

Then drank an entire bottle of water.

I really need to take better care of myself. I don't want everyone to realize I started drinking again.

Last time I lost 15 pounds. That's how Eric started to find out, and made me get sober.

Just thinking about that makes me want a fucking drink.

I threw my backpack on and grabbed my purse and keys. Checking my pockets for my phone.

It's almost lunch time at school so I have time.

I grabbed the vodka bottle from the coffee table and took two large shots before screwing the cap back on.

I locked the door behind me and slid my sunglasses down from the top of my head.

I dug around my purse for my cigarettes and lit one. The weather is finally starting to get nice and the sun is out. Making it hot.

I'm glad I wore a tank top and shorts today. Because I'm already sweating.

Once I could see the school, I realized how much I didn't want to actually go. I should have just stayed home.

Someone behind me tapped on my shoulder making me turn around.

"You scared the shit out of me." I said grabbing my chest when I realized who is was.

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