3: Rehab

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2 years ago

It was a Friday morning and we were out of school for some holiday. My dad hadn't been home in days, and I was sitting in the living room on the phone.

"No Kenzie, I have no idea where he is. It's been 2 days. He's probably with some crack whore, like he usually is." I told her as I sat on the couch with my phone to my ear.

"I thought you said it was work?" She replied.

"That's just what I told the scho..." My words cut off by a small scream that escaped my lips when my front door slammed closed. My hands started shaking. And I immediately got up from my seat to get upstairs to my room.

"Shit, he's home." I whispered into the phone.

"Be careful." I heard her say back.

I clutched the phone, tight in my hand and hugged the wall behind the couch I was just sitting on. Trying my hardest to get upstairs to my room as quickly as possible.

When I got to the stairs he must have seen me because grabbed me by my hair. Pulled me down to the ground, kicking me twice in the stomach. My phone, sliding across the floor.

"Why do you always do this?" He asked as I curled up clenching my stomach.

He grabbed my hair again and lifted me off the ground. I could hardly stand up straight. I kept my arms wrapped around my body.

I tried to move to the stairs again to get away and he slapped me so hard I fell back to the ground. Right next to my phone. I laid there for a minute, hoping he would think I was unconscious. Then he started to walk away.

I took a deep breath. Grabbed my phone off the floor next to me and scrabbled to my feet. Running upstairs into my room and locking my door.

I put the phone to my ear.
"Kenzie?" I asked into the phone.

"I'm already on my way, get out of the house!" She yelled back.

I heard his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs outside my door. I immediately grabbed my bag and went out my window onto the roof. I threw my bag to the ground as I heard my door bust open. I grabbed ahold of the lattice going down the side of the house until I made it to the bottom.

Clutching my sides as I bent over to pick up my purse. I started walking down the road. I only made it a block when Kenzie pulled up next to me. I got in the passenger seat and she sped off.

She whipped her head back and forth between me and the road a few times.
"Oh shit babe that looks like it hurts. Are you sure your okay?" She asked.

I pulled the tiny mirror above me down to look at my face. My lip was busted and my nose was bleeding. There was a small bruise on my cheek starting to turn purple and my eye was swelling. I reached into her glove compartment to grab a package of tissues to wipe my bloody nose.

"Yeah, I'm just glad I got out when I did. I heard the door bust open when I started going down the house." I said back.

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